sony video 8 vcr with NO POWER


robotron -X-

I got one of these that won't turn on. I pulled out the power supply
and the fuse checks out ok but was wondering:

a) what else should i check on the power supply board

b) if you say check a capacitor or resistor tell me what it looks like
since the only training i have right now is testing surface mount fuses
in a playstation(with a multi-meter, dont really know how to use this
either except that "if it beeps its good and if it doesn't beep replace

any help is greatly appreciated
Given the electronics knowledge, repair experience and test equipment &
tools that you have described yourself as having........ the do-it-yourself
repair of your Sony video 8 power supply or other related technical problems
is just not going to happen any time soon. You need to start off educating
yourself regarding electronics repair with much, much simpler devices and
circuitry. My best advice to you is to TAKE it to a repair shop for and
evaluation or repair cost estimate so you can make an intelligent repair
decision with facts instead of internet or telephone guesses.
You can go to the website for this newsgroup at
there, with some searching, you will find a wealth of troubleshooting tips,
repair procedures, component testing methods and important safety
information. Plan to spend plenty of time there reading and learning....
and then start working on the simple electronics projects first before
taking on the repair of more complex equipment.
Good luck.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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"robotron -X-" <> wrote in message
I got one of these that won't turn on. I pulled out the power supply
and the fuse checks out ok but was wondering:

a) what else should i check on the power supply board

b) if you say check a capacitor or resistor tell me what it looks like
since the only training i have right now is testing surface mount fuses
in a playstation(with a multi-meter, dont really know how to use this
either except that "if it beeps its good and if it doesn't beep replace

any help is greatly appreciated

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