The raster comes on for about 2 seconds and then disappears. The power
supply and inverters seem to be one unit. I've ESR'd the caps and
checked for any other obvious things. There are two high voltage
outputs marked 800V 15ma. I measured these with an AC meter and noted
one side was about 650v and the other was over 1kv.I then disconnected
the cables to these two jacks and noted that the 650v output remained
about same while the other one shot up way above 1kv. I'm wondering
now if I may have a bad inverter or perhaps is there a bad lamp? I'm
not sure how to determine that though. Can anyone please point me in
the right direction? Thanks for any help. Thanks, Lenny.
supply and inverters seem to be one unit. I've ESR'd the caps and
checked for any other obvious things. There are two high voltage
outputs marked 800V 15ma. I measured these with an AC meter and noted
one side was about 650v and the other was over 1kv.I then disconnected
the cables to these two jacks and noted that the 650v output remained
about same while the other one shot up way above 1kv. I'm wondering
now if I may have a bad inverter or perhaps is there a bad lamp? I'm
not sure how to determine that though. Can anyone please point me in
the right direction? Thanks for any help. Thanks, Lenny.