Sony PS3 Power-on Problem



Hi All.

My son's friend has a PS3 that my son has asked me to take a look at.
He tells me it will not switch-on. I wont see this until tomorrow but
perhaps I may be able to get a head start with advice from you guys.

Apparently with the power lead in, the power indicator is on which he
tells me is normal.
At this point the device is really is standby mode and requires that a
button the front panel is pressed to really turn on the unit. When
this button is pressed, an indicator (perhaps built-in to the button -
I'll know more tomorrow) begins to flash (also normal, I'm told) for a
few seconds but instead of switching-on the flashing stops with that
indicator off and the ps3 device remains off.

My initial suspicions would be that the device may have multiple power
supplies (e.g. 5V, 12V, perhaps 3.3V, etc) and that one of these may
not be functional.

Any one know where I might obtain info on the PS3, or have any ideas
where to begin to look.

Thanks and take care.


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