Sony power supply transistors Q601 Q602


Ron Novini

Does anyone have any data on these Sony power supply transistors
C4663 N and C4664 M? Although these transistors can be had in TO-220
the case types for these are like TO-126M. Electrical data is difficult
to find even on the internet. Thanks. Ron.

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"Ron Novini" wrote ...
Does anyone have any data on these Sony power supply
transistors (Q601,Q602) C4663 N and C4664 M?
Although these transistors can be had in TO-220 cases,
the case types for these are like TO-126M. Electrical
data is difficult to find even on the internet.
The full part numbers are likely 2SC4663 and 2SC4664.
71 hits via Google, at least a few claim to be data sheets.

(PS: Q601 and Q602 are just reference identifiers and are
meaningless outside the context of that particular diagram.)

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