The CRT, & yoke seems ok because if I put a small magnet near the
little coils on the pin correction pcb, the pix is near perfect.
The four corners are out of purity a bit, & overall convergence is bad
throughout pix, & pix is rounded on top & bottom, but height, & width
is ok. The CRT is fine, I'm thinking the drive board is bad, or more
likely, not getting correction pulses, or voltages from the main
board. Didn't have time to check. Any tips on this? And a service
manual? Thanks, Dani.
little coils on the pin correction pcb, the pix is near perfect.
The four corners are out of purity a bit, & overall convergence is bad
throughout pix, & pix is rounded on top & bottom, but height, & width
is ok. The CRT is fine, I'm thinking the drive board is bad, or more
likely, not getting correction pulses, or voltages from the main
board. Didn't have time to check. Any tips on this? And a service
manual? Thanks, Dani.