Sony kv-27s35 makes buzzing sound when plugged in



Sony KV-27s35 tv makes buzzing sound when the power cord is plugged
in. Some of the components on the power supply board was replaced.
What could be causing the sound?
Sony KV-27s35 tv makes buzzing sound when
the power cord is plugged in.

If you are telling us that the set powers on, and makes a rather loud
and alarming short buzz, or "zzsproooiiiinnnnnggg" , followed by a
normal picture and sound, that may be normal. Sony TV sets are fairly
notorious for that. —deguauss circuit working normally

Some of the components on the power supply
board was replaced. What could be causing
the sound?
If this means thats all your getting, you need to carefully recheck all
your work. Chances are you induced the symptom. Should be something
obvious. Look for correct indexing-polarity installation especially of
any diodes and or caps, transistors backwards, correct replacement
parts, solder splashes and bridges, missing insulators, whatever.

You should try to locate and correct the fault before applying power
again, if it 's just a buzz, no pix, no sound, no nothing else.

If you actually have a problem,you will need the manual, tools, parts,
equipment, blah blah...The manual fot that set may be at your library in
the Sams.

I will also tell you those sets are not very forgiving when choosing
replacement parts which are not original. Various critical components
must be replaced with the excact replacement, or even superceded or, Any adjustments and procedures should be followed
So hope and pray you find some simple correctable mistake.
good luck
I checked all my work. They all seem to be fine. The TV doesn't turn
on. As soon as the plug is plugged into the wall outlet, the tv
starts making sound. It sounds like pressured gas is leaking
(buzzzzzzzz) sound. The TV made a popping sound before it died.Any
help would be helpful.

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