Sony KV-1370R broken Antenna Isolation Block



Greetings All,

One more post...Continued from last week .

I have an otherwise great TV with a broken F-connector. Last week I was
advised by this board to abandon the repair attempt on the antenna isolation
block, and to secure a replacement part from either MCM or a local repair

I went to a local TV repair shop, got an antenna isolation block, and put it
in. Just out of curiosity, I hooked my DMM and measured AC volts to a hard
ground. The new part seems a bit leaky. On the "repaired" TV, I measured
about 63Vac. I took a survey of the other TVs in the house and all had
undetectable voltage between the F-connector and a ground (with the CATV
cable removed). Is it possible that the TV guy sold me a lemon or are some
of these less just a little more leaky than others? Is this normal behavior
for these parts, or should I get another part from the TV guy?


You can't simply read AC between ground and equipment to measure AC leakage.
All Hot ground equipment will measure at least 1/2 line voltage to ground. In
other words, don't worry about it.

have an otherwise great TV with a broken F-connector. Last week I was
advised by this board to abandon the repair attempt on the antenna isolation
block, and to secure a replacement part from either MCM or a local repair

I went to a local TV repair shop, got an antenna isolation block, and put it
in. Just out of curiosity, I hooked my DMM and measured AC volts to a hard
ground. The new part seems a bit leaky. On the "repaired" TV, I measured
about 63Vac. I took a survey of the other TVs in the house and all had
undetectable voltage between the F-connector and a ground (with the CATV
cable removed). Is it possible that the TV guy sold me a lemon or are some
of these less just a little more leaky than others? Is this normal behavior
for these parts, or should I get another part from the TV guy?


I went to a local TV repair shop, got an antenna isolation block, and put it
in. Just out of curiosity, I hooked my DMM and measured AC volts to a hard
ground. The new part seems a bit leaky. On the "repaired" TV, I measured
about 63Vac. I took a survey of the other TVs in the house and all had
undetectable voltage between the F-connector and a ground (with the CATV
cable removed).
To measure AC leakage, "connect a 1.5K ohm, 10w resistor paralleled by a 0.15uf
capacitor between each exposed metallic part and a good earth ground". The
voltage across the resistor must be less than 0.75vac.

Also, make sure it's truly an isolated antenna input block.

Alan Harriman

Is it possible that the TV guy sold me a lemon or are some
of these less just a little more leaky than others? Is this normal behavior
for these parts, or should I get another part from the TV guy?



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