What is frustrating is that I have fixed this before but can not for th
life of me find the web page or forum that I found the fix again. M
child pushed in the tray instead of using the eject button and thi
model specifically states you can not do that or you have to send it i
to get it serviced. When I turn on the unit I hear a humming sound, 1s
the door opens 1/4 of a inch then it opens 1 inch, then opens all th
way, then closes to the 1 inch position, then tries to close, the
finally opens all the way then stops. Before I seem to remember ther
was a setting to reset the player at it's home position. Something lik
with the power off push the tray to the closed position then whe
turning on the power hold down the CD1 button the play button and th
eject button at the same time and the player would initialize / reset t
the home position and then the carousel tray would work as it should.
Can someone please tell me what the sequence is to realigning th
carousel tray? I was shocked that the service repair manual does no
mention anything about aligning the carousel tray but has tons of page
on aligning the laser and trouble shooting circuit boards.
life of me find the web page or forum that I found the fix again. M
child pushed in the tray instead of using the eject button and thi
model specifically states you can not do that or you have to send it i
to get it serviced. When I turn on the unit I hear a humming sound, 1s
the door opens 1/4 of a inch then it opens 1 inch, then opens all th
way, then closes to the 1 inch position, then tries to close, the
finally opens all the way then stops. Before I seem to remember ther
was a setting to reset the player at it's home position. Something lik
with the power off push the tray to the closed position then whe
turning on the power hold down the CD1 button the play button and th
eject button at the same time and the player would initialize / reset t
the home position and then the carousel tray would work as it should.
Can someone please tell me what the sequence is to realigning th
carousel tray? I was shocked that the service repair manual does no
mention anything about aligning the carousel tray but has tons of page
on aligning the laser and trouble shooting circuit boards.