I dropped the PDA and it turned on fine when it was on battery, but the
information on the LCD was scrolling extremely fast. I took it apart and
fixed the scrolling by making sure the flexible ribbon cables were fully
After putting it back together the PDA will not turn on with just the
battery connected. When connected to AC, the battery status indicates that
the battery is 100%. Even when I disconnect the battery, the battery status
indicates that the battery is 100%, which obviously means that the PDA is
not properly sensing the battery.
What's the likely problem?
Is there anything I should check before declaring that it can't be fixed.
information on the LCD was scrolling extremely fast. I took it apart and
fixed the scrolling by making sure the flexible ribbon cables were fully
After putting it back together the PDA will not turn on with just the
battery connected. When connected to AC, the battery status indicates that
the battery is 100%. Even when I disconnect the battery, the battery status
indicates that the battery is 100%, which obviously means that the PDA is
not properly sensing the battery.
What's the likely problem?
Is there anything I should check before declaring that it can't be fixed.