Sony CCD-TR31 Playback issues


JR North

Have 2 of them. On playing a recorded tape, both roll the image, one
slowly, the other very fast. Doesn't matter if the tapes are recorded
on these, or other VTRs. On que/review, the image stabilizes with
normal hash. My older TR21, which has had a lot more use, is perfect,
so I don't think it's wear and tear in the tape transport. Is there a
tracking adjustment, or is it the dreaded cap thing?
Also, have a TR33. The color viewfinder just went B/W. Thoughts?
I'm not familiar with this model, but since the name is SONY, the first
things I'd check would be the adjustable tape guide posts on the supply and
takeup sides of the drum/heads. Very easy to check.. if they're not still
tight, they'll easily turn with light fingertip effort.
The posts are supposed to be locked in place by tiny set screws at the base
of the posts where they anchor into the guide post blocks.
Proper adjustment normally requires a test tape and a scope, after which the
posts are locked with the set screws.

They've been loose in every SONY 8mm product I've seen that had problems
which look like a somewhat severe tracking problem.
I don't have a lot of experience with these small tape machines, but loose
guide posts have been a problem in the limited number that I've seen.

When the posts are out of adjustment, it can cause curling of the edge of
the tape, so you probably don't want to play any important tapes until the
guides are properly adjusted.

You might be able to get the posts adjusted close to where they should be
with a tape recorded on a known good machine (color bars or similar test
pattern) and adjusting the posts carefully while viewing the video display,
and watching how the tape tracks at the step in the base of the drum
The tape will likely have some damage after using it in a misadjusted
machine, but messing up a cheap tape is better than damaging the genuine
test/alignment tape.

Your machines may have other problems, so you might check the archived SER
posts regarding leaky caps in the head amp or other locations.


"JR North" <> wrote in message
Have 2 of them. On playing a recorded tape, both roll the image, one
slowly, the other very fast. Doesn't matter if the tapes are recorded
on these, or other VTRs. On que/review, the image stabilizes with
normal hash. My older TR21, which has had a lot more use, is perfect,
so I don't think it's wear and tear in the tape transport. Is there a
tracking adjustment, or is it the dreaded cap thing?
Also, have a TR33. The color viewfinder just went B/W. Thoughts?

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