Sonata workspace trouble




I am trying to run (VHDL Simili) Sonata but it does everything it can
to prevent me from getting a valid Sonata Workspace file (.sws).

Could anybody provide me with an empty .sws file please, so I can try
to get Sonata to work properly?

Hugo wrote:

I am trying to run (VHDL Simili) Sonata but it does everything it can
to prevent me from getting a valid Sonata Workspace file (.sws).
Note that the free version of sonata still
requires some sort of license file that
has to be set up right. See:

Also you only get 5 waves and execution is very slow.

-- Mike Treseler
Hugo wrote:

I would like to know if there is a simple to set up, easy to use VHDL
simulator that runs on 64 bit Vista ;-)
And also free. Hmmm.

Not that I know of.
Might be easier to borrow an xp computer.

Currently I am using the Quartus II Simulator.
You have my sympathy.

But thanks for your time Mike
You are welcome.
Good luck.
On 17 Apr., 19:18, Mike Treseler <> wrote:

Also you only get 5 waves and execution is very slow.
I am a student and I only have to do some course work so I could live
with the intended limitations (sort of.)

The limitations I am experiencing are broken strings and menus in the
GUI (with nice Tcl/Tk error messages) and inability of Sonata to
create a Workspace file. I thought about using Sonata as a replacement
for ModelSim, which doesn't run on Vista 64 (either.) I'd like to use
VHDL '93 so I don't know how much of an alternative GHDL (supports
_nearly_ all features of '87 and _some_ of '93) is.

I would like to know if there is a simple to set up, easy to use VHDL
simulator that runs on 64 bit Vista ;-)
Currently I am using the Quartus II Simulator.

But thanks for your time Mike

OK, so i solved the problem: somwhere in my path I used a german
umlaut - gets them all the time.

Next problem to solve: ByteBlaster on Vista 64
Solution: Terasic-Blaster

Have a nice weekend.


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