SonarPlus = Electus/Jaycar


David L. Jones

I just got the SoanarPlus "preferred stock" catalog (don't know if it's
new or not?), and what do you know, it's almost an exact duplicate of
the Jaycar/Electus catalog, with Electus wholesale pricing. Cat numbers
are the same too.

There is however some interesting new stuff in there which Electus
don't have (yet), like a fair few micros (NEC, Zilog and Atmel) plus
plenty of micro development kits for all three. GPS modules, Brady
labels, Embedded processor boards, Weller irons, solid state hard
drives, TFT panels, and blue LCDs.

I know Gary Johnston owns the lot, but what's the deal I wonder?
I wonder if we can expect to see this new stuff in the next Electus
catalog too?
Will we see Electus and SonarPlus merge I wonder?
If SonarPlus stocked some of their other line card items, that might
push them up towards the likes of Farnell and RS...

Dave :)
On 14 Sep 2005 20:55:26 -0700, "David L. Jones" <>

I just got the SoanarPlus "preferred stock" catalog (don't know if it's
new or not?), and what do you know, it's almost an exact duplicate of
the Jaycar/Electus catalog, with Electus wholesale pricing. Cat numbers
are the same too.

There is however some interesting new stuff in there which Electus
don't have (yet), like a fair few micros (NEC, Zilog and Atmel) plus
plenty of micro development kits for all three. GPS modules, Brady
labels, Embedded processor boards, Weller irons, solid state hard
drives, TFT panels, and blue LCDs.

I know Gary Johnston owns the lot, but what's the deal I wonder?
I wonder if we can expect to see this new stuff in the next Electus
catalog too?
Will we see Electus and SonarPlus merge I wonder?
If SonarPlus stocked some of their other line card items, that might
push them up towards the likes of Farnell and RS...

Dave :)

SoanarPlus is the renamed Polykom. All part of the Fermionic Group and
along with Electus , Jaycar and HCom (was Hagemeyer Communications)
all owned by said G. Johnston. Since SoanarPlus is in the essentially
the same game as Electus/Jaycar it is likely that it will merge under
the Electus banner. The fact that the two catalogues are looking very
similar is a good indicator as to the likely scenario.

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