Some basic systemVlog questions




I am a VHDL person looking into system verilog for high level modeling
of printed circuit boards. I have a couple basic questions.

Can a module have real number ports in systemVlog? (like in VHDL)
Is there a drive strenght that can be associated with real number
values like it can with logic values?

Thanks very much
Is it synthesized for real number ports? If the answer is yes, then
how does it look like?

On 4ÔÂ17ČŐ, ÉĎÎç5Ęą22ˇÖ, "canadianJaouk" <> wrote:

I am a VHDL person looking into system verilog for high level modeling
of printed circuit boards. I have a couple basic questions.

Can a module have real number ports in systemVlog? (like in VHDL)
Is there a drive strenght that can be associated with real number
values like it can with logic values?

Thanks very much
It's a model... no synthesis involved

On Apr 16, 10:04 pm, Enchanter <> wrote:
Is it synthesized for real number ports? If the answer is yes, then
how does it look like?
canadianJaouk wrote:
Can a module have real number ports in systemVlog? (like in VHDL)
Is there a drive strenght that can be associated with real number
values like it can with logic values?
Yes, a module can have real number ports in SV. However, both sides
of the port are variables, not nets. Therefore, they can have only
driver (which would be the port for the sink side of the port), and do
have or need drive strengths.

Real numbers are not allowed on nets yet in SV. This is mainly due
to the issue of how to resolve multiple drivers for reals.
what is the meaning of sink side of the port,

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