Solrder iron controller


Shane Kirkman

I am making a Zero Crossing Triac controller for my still, which has a 1.5k
I want to buy a soldering iron for my new hobby (electronics).
My Question is : If I brought a hi wattage solder-iron. would the Triac
controller be suitable to control the solder-iron, for basic PCB work


Eat-Drink-Smoke and be Happy.
Shane Kirkman wrote:
I am making a Zero Crossing Triac controller for my still, which has a 1.5k
I want to buy a soldering iron for my new hobby (electronics).
My Question is : If I brought a hi wattage solder-iron. would the Triac
controller be suitable to control the solder-iron, for basic PCB work
Probably, if you can attach the temperature sensing element
Triacs have a minimum holding current requirement, but I am pretty
sure a soldering iron heater will draw more current than this.
John Popelish
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 03:05:30 +1000, "Shane Kirkman"
<> wrote:

I am making a Zero Crossing Triac controller for my still, which has a 1.5k
I want to buy a soldering iron for my new hobby (electronics).
My Question is : If I brought a hi wattage solder-iron. would the Triac
controller be suitable to control the solder-iron, for basic PCB work
Why not? I use my 40 watt electronics iron that way. It avoids
overheating the tip when the iron is idle and I can leave it warm so
it can heat up quickly when I need it.

I chose an inline lamp dimmer with a 300 watt rating and wired a 7
watt pilot lamp on the iron side to visually judge the setting.

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