Jake T
I just finished making up a multi order HF band pass filter for one of
my ham radio bands. A friend wants me to make one up and send it to him
too. I\'m leary of this because I used toroid cores. During shipping, I
can imagine them coming detached or otherwise losing their tuning
because the windings move around from the bouncing around during
transit. I have some quick, 1 hour, two part epoxy here made for PC
use. Could I carefully \"paint\" each toroid, windings and some epoxy
between toroid and circuit board so it also won\'t move? Need a quick,
easy, and effective solution. I wouldn\'t think the clear, two part
epoxy would affect Q or tuning, or would it?
Thank you!
my ham radio bands. A friend wants me to make one up and send it to him
too. I\'m leary of this because I used toroid cores. During shipping, I
can imagine them coming detached or otherwise losing their tuning
because the windings move around from the bouncing around during
transit. I have some quick, 1 hour, two part epoxy here made for PC
use. Could I carefully \"paint\" each toroid, windings and some epoxy
between toroid and circuit board so it also won\'t move? Need a quick,
easy, and effective solution. I wouldn\'t think the clear, two part
epoxy would affect Q or tuning, or would it?
Thank you!