Solid State Relay Leak




I purchased a surplus Solid State Relay 10A 220 VAC
to develop an AC Outlet controlled by the PC.

I Design my hardware | circuit like an extension cord,
I Plug my hardware and plug a Fluorecent Lamp.

I was suprised that the flourecent light continuously blink
I found out the the SSR(Solid State Relay) has a leakage

My Question is... Is the Solid State Relay has a leak even
if it is brand new?

Please I need your advice so i buy a new solid state relay.
Really depends on the SSR one uses. Vishay makes a range of devices
(although I am not sure if they do 10A) that don't use a snubber but an
internal current limiter, and therefore have superior off state
performance (leakage typically < 1uA).

Go to

I have designed these in for low currents in sensitive applications
(automatic bus terminators) so in the off state they can't interfere,
and these devices perform quite well.


JV_Pili wrote:


I purchased a surplus Solid State Relay 10A 220 VAC
to develop an AC Outlet controlled by the PC.

I Design my hardware | circuit like an extension cord,
I Plug my hardware and plug a Fluorecent Lamp.

I was suprised that the flourecent light continuously blink
I found out the the SSR(Solid State Relay) has a leakage

My Question is... Is the Solid State Relay has a leak even
if it is brand new?

Please I need your advice so i buy a new solid state relay.

yes , most likely has a snubber on the AC terminals.
just put some other load on the circuit, it will knock it
down enough to kill that.
"JV_Pili" <> wrote in message

I purchased a surplus Solid State Relay 10A 220 VAC
to develop an AC Outlet controlled by the PC.

I Design my hardware | circuit like an extension cord,
I Plug my hardware and plug a Fluorecent Lamp.

I was suprised that the flourecent light continuously blink
I found out the the SSR(Solid State Relay) has a leakage

My Question is... Is the Solid State Relay has a leak even
if it is brand new?

Please I need your advice so i buy a new solid state relay.
There MIGHT be one other reason for blinking fluorescent
When the SSR is mounted in the N-line there's always phase connected
IF any earthed plate runs next to the fluorescent (usually does) it still
"glows" in the dark
"JV_Pili" <> wrote in message

I purchased a surplus Solid State Relay 10A 220 VAC
to develop an AC Outlet controlled by the PC.

I Design my hardware | circuit like an extension cord,
I Plug my hardware and plug a Fluorecent Lamp.

I was suprised that the flourecent light continuously blink
I found out the the SSR(Solid State Relay) has a leakage
Not surprising. The semiconductor switching
device within the SSR is protected by a snubber
circuit from switching transients. The snubber
inherently allows a small AC current to flow
when the SSR is in the nominally off state.

My Question is... Is the Solid State Relay has a leak even
if it is brand new?
Even if brand new and without any defect.

Please I need your advice so i buy a new solid state relay.
The next one will do the same thing. Save your
time and the vendor some grief.

--Larry Brasfield
Above views may belong only to me.
Jamie wrote:
yes , most likely has a snubber on the AC terminals.
just put some other load on the circuit, it will knock it
down enough to kill that.
Try something like this (view in fixed font or M$ Notepad):

` Fluorescent
` Lamp
` .-------------. ____
` o-o o-o--|_--_|--o L1
` | '-------------' | Fuse
` | Nite Lite (6W) |
` | .-. |
` o------( X )------'
` | '-'
` .--------------. |
` | | |
` o + AC o--'
` | SSR |
` o - AC o-------------------------------o L2
` | |
` '--------------'
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta

Leakage current through the SSR snubber is less than 1mA. The night
light in parallel with the fluorescent lamp will keep the voltage
across the lamp at less than a volt, which will certainly prevent it
from turning on.

Good luck

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