Hi everyone!
I'm having problems with Orcad Layout. I've desgned a PCB for my
company and I've sent the GERBER files to the factory. But the factory
operator said me that the ground planes I've created on my design
aren't solid planes and they must be solid planes.
My idea was to use all the unused PCB surface to make the ground
tracks bigger, so they take all the space available where there are
any tracks. Therefore I've place a big copper pour obstacle associated
to the ground net. The result seems to be really good, I mean I can
see a lot of copper areas going around the tracks.
But the factory guy said that, actually, the copper obstacles are made
of thousands of little tracks (about 75000 tracks!!). So they just see
a lot of tracks instead of a real copper area despite it seems a
homogeneous area. But this is a problem for the PCB's machine.
Somehow I needto tell Orcad that the copper pour must be a continuous
and homogeneous area.
Could you help me? I need to work out with this problem now!
I'm having problems with Orcad Layout. I've desgned a PCB for my
company and I've sent the GERBER files to the factory. But the factory
operator said me that the ground planes I've created on my design
aren't solid planes and they must be solid planes.
My idea was to use all the unused PCB surface to make the ground
tracks bigger, so they take all the space available where there are
any tracks. Therefore I've place a big copper pour obstacle associated
to the ground net. The result seems to be really good, I mean I can
see a lot of copper areas going around the tracks.
But the factory guy said that, actually, the copper obstacles are made
of thousands of little tracks (about 75000 tracks!!). So they just see
a lot of tracks instead of a real copper area despite it seems a
homogeneous area. But this is a problem for the PCB's machine.
Somehow I needto tell Orcad that the copper pour must be a continuous
and homogeneous area.
Could you help me? I need to work out with this problem now!