Adam Megacz
Please forgive me if I screw up some of the terminology here, I'm new
to actual physical manipulation of hardware...
I'm looking for a quick, cheap solution that will give me some
solderless breadboard space, a socket that I can put an SMT chip into
(probably via some sort of adapter, which is okay), and a Xilinx or
Altera low-end FPGA. A cyclone would probably be ideal since I need
very few gates -- "no FPGA too small" and I'm trying to keep costs
Basically I'm looking for this with an FPGA already on it:
I'm looking for this because I just stumbled across a supply of very
cheap (but somewhat nonstandard) GPS chips, and I need to test out the
samples I got before I order more. I'd also like to reuse this board
later for other similar projects.
I'll also need some way of programming the FPGA from a computer; JTAG
or serial is fine, USB would be even better.
- a
"The first time I read this book I felt what I could only explain as a
great disturbance in the Force: it was as if a billion washing
machinces all became unbalanced at once and were suddenly silenced."
-- anonymous book reviewer on Amazon.com
to actual physical manipulation of hardware...
I'm looking for a quick, cheap solution that will give me some
solderless breadboard space, a socket that I can put an SMT chip into
(probably via some sort of adapter, which is okay), and a Xilinx or
Altera low-end FPGA. A cyclone would probably be ideal since I need
very few gates -- "no FPGA too small" and I'm trying to keep costs
Basically I'm looking for this with an FPGA already on it:
I'm looking for this because I just stumbled across a supply of very
cheap (but somewhat nonstandard) GPS chips, and I need to test out the
samples I got before I order more. I'd also like to reuse this board
later for other similar projects.
I'll also need some way of programming the FPGA from a computer; JTAG
or serial is fine, USB would be even better.
- a
"The first time I read this book I felt what I could only explain as a
great disturbance in the Force: it was as if a billion washing
machinces all became unbalanced at once and were suddenly silenced."
-- anonymous book reviewer on Amazon.com