soldering on a connector, and then getting the top on.
The tv amp required soldering a 1/8" jack on one set of wires and a
1/8" plug on another.
I usually have trouble with this, because both the tip and the ring
have connection points just barely inside the circumference of the
cover. If I put the wire through the little holes in each connector,
the solder plus the wire make a bump that interferes with screwing the
cover on.
I've been putting the wire through from the outside, so the amount of
wire outside is limited.
Or maybe I should ignore the little holes and just rest the wire on
the connection points to solder it. I hope t hese last two
paragraphs are clear.
How do you all solder small plugs so the solder and wire doesn't
interfere with the plug's cover?
The tv amp required soldering a 1/8" jack on one set of wires and a
1/8" plug on another.
I usually have trouble with this, because both the tip and the ring
have connection points just barely inside the circumference of the
cover. If I put the wire through the little holes in each connector,
the solder plus the wire make a bump that interferes with screwing the
cover on.
I've been putting the wire through from the outside, so the amount of
wire outside is limited.
Or maybe I should ignore the little holes and just rest the wire on
the connection points to solder it. I hope t hese last two
paragraphs are clear.
How do you all solder small plugs so the solder and wire doesn't
interfere with the plug's cover?