Solar powered LED project questions

Hi all

I'm pretty "green" when it comes to electronics so i'll appologise in
advance for my ignorance. =)

I'm interested in building a Solar Panel -> Battery -> LED light system
to put on/In a Geodesic dome i've built. The idea being that the panels
charge the Battery during the day and then i flip a switch (or
something) at night and the LEDs come on (lighting the inside of the
dome), being powered by the battery.

so my questions are as such:

1) i was thinking of using 3-LED bundles - perhaps 3 of them (so 9 LEDs
total) since i don't need TONS of light, just enough to not be tripping
over stuff. Is a rechargable 12V battery (like this one >;jsessionid=LVIDHIHLLUAPXTQSNOFSCOWOCJVY2IWE?id=0023384016657a&navCount=0&cmCat=srchdx&cm_ven=srchdx&cm_ite=srchdx&_requestid=24926)
large enough.. or TOO large to power the LEDs for the entire night?

2) if a get a 12V solar panel (like this one >, do i need any circuitry
between the panel and the battery for it to charge correctly/safely
(assuming the battery and solar panel are the same/similar voltage)?

3) do i need any circuitry between the Battery and the LEDs?

i searched High and Low on google, but couldn't find much DIY project
info on this kind of thing.. which surprised me as i figured lots of
people would be into it?!?

any help, suggestions etc are apprecited.

Chris Lev
chrislev at gmail dot com

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