Hi all
I'm pretty "green" when it comes to electronics so i'll appologise in
advance for my ignorance. =)
I'm interested in building a Solar Panel -> Battery -> LED light system
to put on/In a Geodesic dome i've built. The idea being that the panels
charge the Battery during the day and then i flip a switch (or
something) at night and the LEDs come on (lighting the inside of the
dome), being powered by the battery.
so my questions are as such:
1) i was thinking of using 3-LED bundles - perhaps 3 of them (so 9 LEDs
total) since i don't need TONS of light, just enough to not be tripping
over stuff. Is a rechargable 12V battery (like this one >;jsessionid=LVIDHIHLLUAPXTQSNOFSCOWOCJVY2IWE?id=0023384016657a&navCount=0&cmCat=srchdx&cm_ven=srchdx&cm_ite=srchdx&_requestid=24926)
large enough.. or TOO large to power the LEDs for the entire night?
2) if a get a 12V solar panel (like this one >, do i need any circuitry
between the panel and the battery for it to charge correctly/safely
(assuming the battery and solar panel are the same/similar voltage)?
3) do i need any circuitry between the Battery and the LEDs?
i searched High and Low on google, but couldn't find much DIY project
info on this kind of thing.. which surprised me as i figured lots of
people would be into it?!?
any help, suggestions etc are apprecited.
Chris Lev
chrislev at gmail dot com
I'm pretty "green" when it comes to electronics so i'll appologise in
advance for my ignorance. =)
I'm interested in building a Solar Panel -> Battery -> LED light system
to put on/In a Geodesic dome i've built. The idea being that the panels
charge the Battery during the day and then i flip a switch (or
something) at night and the LEDs come on (lighting the inside of the
dome), being powered by the battery.
so my questions are as such:
1) i was thinking of using 3-LED bundles - perhaps 3 of them (so 9 LEDs
total) since i don't need TONS of light, just enough to not be tripping
over stuff. Is a rechargable 12V battery (like this one >;jsessionid=LVIDHIHLLUAPXTQSNOFSCOWOCJVY2IWE?id=0023384016657a&navCount=0&cmCat=srchdx&cm_ven=srchdx&cm_ite=srchdx&_requestid=24926)
large enough.. or TOO large to power the LEDs for the entire night?
2) if a get a 12V solar panel (like this one >, do i need any circuitry
between the panel and the battery for it to charge correctly/safely
(assuming the battery and solar panel are the same/similar voltage)?
3) do i need any circuitry between the Battery and the LEDs?
i searched High and Low on google, but couldn't find much DIY project
info on this kind of thing.. which surprised me as i figured lots of
people would be into it?!?
any help, suggestions etc are apprecited.
Chris Lev
chrislev at gmail dot com