SofTeC 2010: Calling all Testing Professionals, Managers, Le


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SiliconIndia is organizing Software Testing Conference (SofTec 2010),
a leading event for the Software Test and QA Community on November
20th, 2010 (Saturday) in Pune.

SofTeC 2010's agenda reflects the challenges organizations face today
in order to address different testing projects. It also explores new
challenges such as Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Web 2.0 and the
increasing take up of Open Source tools. The conference provides clear
guidance to the delegates and helps them understand the challenges and
issues faced in testing today, how best to address them and how to
cope with changing conditions and the need to optimize every effort.

An optimum approach to n-tier architectured application testing
Building an Automation Framework around Open Source Technologies
Commercial Test Automation Tools and its real benefit
Software Security Testing
Mobile/Infotainment Apps testing
Cloud Testing: The future of software testing
The Case for a Standard Uniform Test Modeling Language
Protocol Testing
Globalization testing- Getting your software World-ready
Avionics Testing
Who Should Attend:
This Conference is designed for organizations and individuals who have
technical proficiencies and leadership responsibilities within their
respective discipline areas and are actively involved in the testing
and quality process, development, and group dynamics.
This includes:
Vice Presidents, Directors, Heads — Quality & Testing and Project
Senior Testing Leaders: Head-Test CoE, Head - Testing, IT Directors,
CTOs, CIO, CFO, Senior Test Managers, Test Managers, Test
Practitioners and Engineers, QA Managers, Analysts..
Test Management Professionals — Managers, Architects, Test Leads,
Software Test Engineers
Quality / SEPG Management Professionals — Managers, QA Leads, Software
QA Engineers
Project Management Professionals — Managers, Leads, Software

DATE: November 20, 2010 (Saturday)
TIME: 8.00 AM to 5:00 PM
VENUE: YASHADA MDC Auditorium,Raj Bhavan Complex,Pune

We have limited Seats. Registration for this Conference is by
invitation only. Attendance is limited to maintain an intimate setting
and foster dialogue among all participants.

To request an invitation, please visit:
and complete the form . There will be a registration fee of Rs 500
only. This is towards: Access to Sessions, Tea/ Coffee & Refreshments
and Lunch.



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