Soft-Cores processors



Hi everybody,

I'am working on the massively parallel processing on chip (MPPSoC)on ML50
virtex5 board. I'm looking for an open source softcore processor which
can interface it to Microblaze processor (for example: in my design i nee
a master processor which is the xilinx microblaze and 4 slave opensourc
processor which are connected to Microblaze).

I found a three Microblaze clones(aeMB, MB Lite and OpenFire) but I don'
know how to integrate them in EDK, If there is someone who can guide me t
know what's the suitable opencore that can be implemented into EDK an
connected to Microblaze.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Makni,

makni <99260@embeddedrelated> wrote:
I found a three Microblaze clones(aeMB, MB Lite and OpenFire) but I don't
know how to integrate them in EDK, If there is someone who can guide me to
know what's the suitable opencore that can be implemented into EDK and
connected to Microblaze.

I'm not familiar with EDK, but MBlite has a WishBone wrapper. It
shouldn't be that difficult to integrate it within your SOC.

Out of curiosity, why using the Microblaze when you can use the MBlite?
IIRC only few instructions are not implemented in the MBlite version.
Morevoer the processor is highly configurable with additional hardware
operations (hard multiplier and hard barrel shifter).

We are currently working on adding an fpu to that core, but it is still
unclear what will be the license (sigh!).


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