Michael Stan
I found on the monitor board I'm trying to troubleshoot an open
electrolytic cap. It's a 100uF, 25V, small can, 6x11mm, (M) 85C, polarized,
marked SMS and manufactured by United Chemi-con. I cannot find any
reference to the SMS series, either on the Nippon or Europe Chemi-con.
Can sombody tell me a replacement series for this cap? I found at my
supplier caps by United with the same characteristics, but their series are
KME, KMF, KMG, LXZ, SME, SMG. Can I use one of those series? And which one?
electrolytic cap. It's a 100uF, 25V, small can, 6x11mm, (M) 85C, polarized,
marked SMS and manufactured by United Chemi-con. I cannot find any
reference to the SMS series, either on the Nippon or Europe Chemi-con.
Can sombody tell me a replacement series for this cap? I found at my
supplier caps by United with the same characteristics, but their series are
KME, KMF, KMG, LXZ, SME, SMG. Can I use one of those series? And which one?