i have a question to ask about switching mode power supply ,scr switching
frequency and measuring rf voltage with digital multimeter
1) i want to use an old smps for making a fix freq rf power unit
is it possible to used the smps transformer output tap as a rf power source
leaving only the converter portion of the ps intact
most of these smps have a optocoupler for circuit isolation
i am going to use the optocoupler circuit for controling the ouput power
and a matching inductor at the transformer output tap for protection before
the load
i plan to used an old pc power supply for rf source and a rf air coil for
i want to use it for small induction heating system
can it be done with a minimum of circuit modification to a stock pc smps
2) what maximum switching frequency can i expect form a generic type
standard switching speed SCR
3) can it be possible to do a rf voltage reading with a standard digital
multimeter if so what kind of circuit do i need between the dmm and the rf
voltage source
any help appreciated
frequency and measuring rf voltage with digital multimeter
1) i want to use an old smps for making a fix freq rf power unit
is it possible to used the smps transformer output tap as a rf power source
leaving only the converter portion of the ps intact
most of these smps have a optocoupler for circuit isolation
i am going to use the optocoupler circuit for controling the ouput power
and a matching inductor at the transformer output tap for protection before
the load
i plan to used an old pc power supply for rf source and a rf air coil for
i want to use it for small induction heating system
can it be done with a minimum of circuit modification to a stock pc smps
2) what maximum switching frequency can i expect form a generic type
standard switching speed SCR
3) can it be possible to do a rf voltage reading with a standard digital
multimeter if so what kind of circuit do i need between the dmm and the rf
voltage source
any help appreciated