Smoke/Fire Detectors/Alarms

Would anyone know where I can source Smoke or Fire Dectors for
Alarm systems In Australia.
I see the odd one forsale that has a reporting feature however $80+ is
the price and it looks dodgy.
I really am looking for some like the ones used in complete alarm
systems,No fancy flashing lights and 9V batteries or mains connections.

I have looked high and low for these and cannot find any,I really need
about 5 of them,to run for different sectors,and opperate a electronic
water valve in the event of alarm. wrote:

Would anyone know where I can source Smoke or Fire Detectors for
Alarm systems in Australia.
I see the odd one for sale that has a reporting feature however
$80+ is the price and it looks dodgy.
You'll probably have to pay at least that for a commercial device that
can be linked to an alarm panel. By the way, smoke and fire detectors
are two quite different things, and there are a number of different
types of each. Exactly what is it that you want to detect?

I'm guessing that you consider $80 too high because you're comparing it
to the consumer units with 9v batteries that sell for under ten bucks.
Technically, it would be possible to connect these cheapie units to an
alarm panel (or other device) with some simple circuitry - Silicon Chip
magazine did an article about this, I believe in January and February of

However, if you're worried that an $80 unit may be a little dodgy, I
think that you modifying a $10 would be a whole lot dodgier...

to operate a electronic water valve in the event of alarm.
You mean like a fire sprinkler system? I'm more than a little worried
that you may be trying to bite off more than you can chew.

Pete wrote: wrote:

Would anyone know where I can source Smoke or Fire Detectors for
Alarm systems in Australia.
I see the odd one for sale that has a reporting feature however

$80+ is the price and it looks dodgy.

You'll probably have to pay at least that for a commercial device that
can be linked to an alarm panel. By the way, smoke and fire detectors
are two quite different things, and there are a number of different
types of each. Exactly what is it that you want to detect?

I'm guessing that you consider $80 too high because you're comparing it
to the consumer units with 9v batteries that sell for under ten bucks.
Technically, it would be possible to connect these cheapie units to an
alarm panel (or other device) with some simple circuitry - Silicon Chip
magazine did an article about this, I believe in January and February of

However, if you're worried that an $80 unit may be a little dodgy, I
think that you modifying a $10 would be a whole lot dodgier...

to operate a electronic water valve in the event of alarm.

You mean like a fire sprinkler system? I'm more than a little worried
that you may be trying to bite off more than you can chew.

OK, poll here, how often does commercial grade/quality fire detection
systems (and maybe even suppression systems of whatever sort) go across
ebay and what seems to be the average price? I have been meaning to
research into this for some time but have had too many other projects
(electronical and other) on my list. Yes I'm being lazy here but it does
relate to this question.
Not very often....when they do...they are second hand..this is OK...and
A coupe HVAC rackmount system's for Data centers went out for
$150,thats if they sold,I don't think they included sensors,however
looked great.
I don't mind paying for a quality device,smoke is possibly better to
detect than
ha ha.....

The only thing stopping me from instant deployment once parts are
sourced is local council,plumber inspections,and all the rest of
regulation...its bloody law now in Tasmania that all HVAC type systems
must be inspected via plumber,even if they are just air vents,all this
following a council planning permit and application for
development.....ha ha..and a couple thousand in government tax and
admin fee's,and this would be for a commercial system that already has
an engineering certificate and is ticked for australian standards.
I can't ever see that the council would ever know what to do about my
setup for protection from arson or targeted crime.

What they cant see won't hurt,and if I get wet,and water dose not drain
away,and I fry myself in 12VDC I will survive,and so will all my junk.
Don't worry there are no 240vAC power points arround,they will be
installed after ward.
Only Licenced personel can go near the place for further peace of mind.
Council,Police,Hydro Man.....
I have started taking them not very seriously as last time I heard from
the council,they sent me a change of use notice,and I told them i was
opperating a Lab.
I fully belived if they had any sense they sould be wearing bio-harzard
suits for an inspection,however they seemed to just rely on their
insurance company instead,And the Hydro man last i knew of him he
forced his way through a steel gate to get to the meter
And the police well from my last post about the MCM alarm,panel,they
can't catch truck loads of stuff going missing every time I visit my
own property,over a period of 6 years(yeah i have lots of junk)
I got them stalled now though,Video camera's all round,and locals
thinking that someone new has moved in.....pity most seem to think my
camera's are expensive outside lights that don't work.
Someone did try to burn the place down about 7 years ago,in the summer
when I went away for a couple of hours,however,their attempt was rather
farmy with a few sticks that the wind blew out. wrote:

Would anyone know where I can source Smoke or Fire Dectors for
Alarm systems In Australia.
I see the odd one forsale that has a reporting feature however $80+ is
the price and it looks dodgy.
I really am looking for some like the ones used in complete alarm
systems,No fancy flashing lights and 9V batteries or mains connections.

I have looked high and low for these and cannot find any,I really need
about 5 of them,to run for different sectors,and opperate a electronic
water valve in the event of alarm.
will get you started ...
On 20 Aug 2005 23:31:16 -0700, wrote:

Would anyone know where I can source Smoke or Fire Dectors for
Alarm systems In Australia.
I see the odd one forsale that has a reporting feature however $80+ is
the price and it looks dodgy.
I really am looking for some like the ones used in complete alarm
systems,No fancy flashing lights and 9V batteries or mains connections.

I have looked high and low for these and cannot find any,I really need
about 5 of them,to run for different sectors,and opperate a electronic
water valve in the event of alarm.
What kind of alarm system are you looking to hook it up to? 5 single
zone panels or say an 8 zone system with only 5 zones used?

The cheapest option would be a number of 12V smoke detectors suitable
for a security system which provide an auxilary contact for switching

Might I add if you plan on flooding equipment, I'd be putting two
smoke detectors in and set it up so that both have to activate before
you flood the place.

Welcome to

