I'm looking for a device which is battery powered, whose input and output
are both headphone jacks and which boosts the volume of an audio signal
traveling through it. I'm not sure what it'd be called, but I need
amplificaiton somehwere in the range of those older battery powered computed
The intended use is between an electric guitar and a pair of headphones or a
belkin FM transmitter. I've considered ripping appart one of those old
speaker units, but I'm looking for a neater/cheaper alternative.
Any sugestions, or at least a name for the thing I'm looking for. I didn't
know whether or not it would be called an amplifier, as I'm more used to
thinking of amps as either the thing on the end of a guitar lead, or an amp
in a component strreo system.
are both headphone jacks and which boosts the volume of an audio signal
traveling through it. I'm not sure what it'd be called, but I need
amplificaiton somehwere in the range of those older battery powered computed
The intended use is between an electric guitar and a pair of headphones or a
belkin FM transmitter. I've considered ripping appart one of those old
speaker units, but I'm looking for a neater/cheaper alternative.
Any sugestions, or at least a name for the thing I'm looking for. I didn't
know whether or not it would be called an amplifier, as I'm more used to
thinking of amps as either the thing on the end of a guitar lead, or an amp
in a component strreo system.