I've got a couple of IP cams where the same cap failed.
It's a 15 uF, 100v radial cap spec'd to 105c.
But I'm having fits trying to find a replacement where they don't rape
me on shipping.
Can I shop for something with slightly different specs?
i.e. is 100v just an upper limit beyond which the cap will fail... and I
could replace it with a 200v or 300v cap?
What about uF? Do I use a 20 or 30 uF at my own risk?
Pete Cresswell
It's a 15 uF, 100v radial cap spec'd to 105c.
But I'm having fits trying to find a replacement where they don't rape
me on shipping.
Can I shop for something with slightly different specs?
i.e. is 100v just an upper limit beyond which the cap will fail... and I
could replace it with a 200v or 300v cap?
What about uF? Do I use a 20 or 30 uF at my own risk?
Pete Cresswell