SKILL Q: Getting simulation result for selected instances in

when using Affirma ADE it is possible to annotate the instances in a
schematic with values from DC simulation. I now try to write a SKILL
program that cycles all transistors in my schematic page and extracts
important data like node voltages and drain currents and write to a
text file for later viewing in excel.

A bit reading in the skartist.pdf give me some indication on how to
access the simulator and the sessions. Problem is that the
documentation for the psf access is a bit over my head. Seems that I
have to define callbacks for my simulator in order to access entries
in the database.

During experimentation in CIW I tried to use the procedure
asiMapNetName as it is used in the example for
asiDefineDataMappingFunction. I typed in the example from the manual
and got a curious error message related to asiMapNetName:
*WARNING* Could not open Run Object File

Checking the unix file system show me that there is no psf in the psf
directory with spectreS. I then decided to investigate asiMapNetName
on its own:

setq cs (asiGetCurrentSession)
setq dirId (asiGetPsfDir cs)
asiMapNetName dirId (list 'something 'stupid)

I have to do a
asiMapNetName "/tmp/test/spectreS/schematic/" (list 'something
'stupid) to open the runObjFile but then I don't know what the list
argument are supposed to achieve.

The simulator is running in a design kit using spectreS socket

Question is if the three database access functions:
are the proper functions to use.

I can of course use the spectre.ic file for info on the dc operating
point, but I wanted to be able to extend my program to extract data
from a transient simulation at a specific simulation time also.

Use OCEAN, not these functions.

Read the OCEAN manual, it is designed to do these kind of things.
The asi interface is mainly for people integrating simulators into ADE.
It avoids having to do all this low level stuff - and hey, it's intended
to be easy to use for non-programmers!

Sorry for the quick, non-illustrative example, but I'm a bit short of time
today (and in a hotel).



On 1 Oct 2003 06:46:34 -0700, wrote:

when using Affirma ADE it is possible to annotate the instances in a
schematic with values from DC simulation. I now try to write a SKILL
program that cycles all transistors in my schematic page and extracts
important data like node voltages and drain currents and write to a
text file for later viewing in excel.

A bit reading in the skartist.pdf give me some indication on how to
access the simulator and the sessions. Problem is that the
documentation for the psf access is a bit over my head. Seems that I
have to define callbacks for my simulator in order to access entries
in the database.

During experimentation in CIW I tried to use the procedure
asiMapNetName as it is used in the example for
asiDefineDataMappingFunction. I typed in the example from the manual
and got a curious error message related to asiMapNetName:
*WARNING* Could not open Run Object File

Checking the unix file system show me that there is no psf in the psf
directory with spectreS. I then decided to investigate asiMapNetName
on its own:

setq cs (asiGetCurrentSession)
setq dirId (asiGetPsfDir cs)
asiMapNetName dirId (list 'something 'stupid)

I have to do a
asiMapNetName "/tmp/test/spectreS/schematic/" (list 'something
'stupid) to open the runObjFile but then I don't know what the list
argument are supposed to achieve.

The simulator is running in a design kit using spectreS socket

Question is if the three database access functions:
are the proper functions to use.

I can of course use the spectre.ic file for info on the dc operating
point, but I wanted to be able to extend my program to extract data
from a transient simulation at a specific simulation time also.
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd
Andrew Beckett <> wrote in message news:<>...
Use OCEAN, not these functions.

Read the OCEAN manual, it is designed to do these kind of things.
The asi interface is mainly for people integrating simulators into ADE.
It avoids having to do all this low level stuff - and hey, it's intended
to be easy to use for non-programmers!
OCEAN is very much tuned towards line printers, I find, when I try to
use the report() function to get the OpBegin values from a spectreS
session. the lines are nicely broken on 132 columns and folded so that
it is not so easy to read it into excel.

I tried to manipulate the line length with the setup() command, but no

What I am targeting at with my efforts is a routine that works as
In schematic at any level I select none, one or more elements. If none
are selected, then all are scanned, else only the selected ones.

The routine extracts the full hierarchical path so that I can access
the data from psf. The data to extract is defined in a list in the
script. No need for a user interface.

This can't be that difficult. I have with my basic programming
knowledge been able to do that in Tcl on another program, so why does
it have to be so difficult in Cadence?

run a dc operating point simulation (dcOp)
then, with ocean you can get opearting points for any instance.
example ocean script:

desVar(smth) ...

analysis('dc ?saveOppoint t)

selectResults( 'dcOpInfo )


by using outputs() you get a list of all instances which have
operating point informations (transitors, caps, res, sources ...)
for example, a transistor has the following information available:
- capacitances
- currents
- voltages
- transconductances
- on resistance
- threshold voltage
- region of operation
- power
- beta
- and a few more

hope this is what you're looking for,

<> wrote in message
when using Affirma ADE it is possible to annotate the instances in a
schematic with values from DC simulation. I now try to write a SKILL
program that cycles all transistors in my schematic page and extracts
important data like node voltages and drain currents and write to a
text file for later viewing in excel.

A bit reading in the skartist.pdf give me some indication on how to
access the simulator and the sessions. Problem is that the
documentation for the psf access is a bit over my head. Seems that I
have to define callbacks for my simulator in order to access entries
in the database.

During experimentation in CIW I tried to use the procedure
asiMapNetName as it is used in the example for
asiDefineDataMappingFunction. I typed in the example from the manual
and got a curious error message related to asiMapNetName:
*WARNING* Could not open Run Object File

Checking the unix file system show me that there is no psf in the psf
directory with spectreS. I then decided to investigate asiMapNetName
on its own:

setq cs (asiGetCurrentSession)
setq dirId (asiGetPsfDir cs)
asiMapNetName dirId (list 'something 'stupid)

I have to do a
asiMapNetName "/tmp/test/spectreS/schematic/" (list 'something
'stupid) to open the runObjFile but then I don't know what the list
argument are supposed to achieve.

The simulator is running in a design kit using spectreS socket

Question is if the three database access functions:
are the proper functions to use.

I can of course use the spectre.ic file for info on the dc operating
point, but I wanted to be able to extend my program to extract data
from a transient simulation at a specific simulation time also.

"S. Badel" <> wrote in message news:<3f7d2710$>...
hope this is what you're looking for,
I could use some of the hints, thanks.

I came up with an alpha solution not taking a schematic as input, but
accessing directly via ocean. But I can't get the (getq instId
parameter) to work it is always returning nil. if I try to replace
with a hard-coded "ids" of "cds" then I get the numberical value, but
in this version I get only nil. It must have something with me not
understanding symbols and strings in the getq syntax.
tried to use -> and ~> syntax, but also failed.

simulator( 'spectreS )
design( "...")
resultsDir( "..." )
path( "..." )

(selectResult 'opBegin )
(foreach instance (outputs) ;; iteratr over all items
(setq instId (getData instance))
(foreach parameter (getq instId ?) ;; iterate over all parameters
(sprintf paramstr "%s" parameter)
(printf "%s.%s=%L " instance parameter (getq instId parameter))))


You need to use get() if you want the parameter name to be evaluated.
getq() implicitly "quotes" the second argument - and is directly the
same as -> ; when you are doing (getq instId parameter) you are
getting the value of a parameter called "parameter", which doesn't exist,
hence the nil.

So just put (get instId parameter) instead.


On 6 Oct 2003 04:02:16 -0700, wrote:

"S. Badel" <> wrote in message news:<3f7d2710$>...

hope this is what you're looking for,

I could use some of the hints, thanks.

I came up with an alpha solution not taking a schematic as input, but
accessing directly via ocean. But I can't get the (getq instId
parameter) to work it is always returning nil. if I try to replace
with a hard-coded "ids" of "cds" then I get the numberical value, but
in this version I get only nil. It must have something with me not
understanding symbols and strings in the getq syntax.
tried to use -> and ~> syntax, but also failed.

simulator( 'spectreS )
design( "...")
resultsDir( "..." )
path( "..." )

(selectResult 'opBegin )
(foreach instance (outputs) ;; iteratr over all items
(setq instId (getData instance))
(foreach parameter (getq instId ?) ;; iterate over all parameters
(sprintf paramstr "%s" parameter)
(printf "%s.%s=%L " instance parameter (getq instId parameter))))
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd

It isn't really that hard in OCEAN. Here's an example, which goes
through the whole process of running a simulation, and printing out the
operating point information for either the selected components, or all
components at this level of hierarchy. Of course, you can omit the
running of the simulation ever type.

I wrote the example in C-like syntax to make it easier to read for
those in the audience who aren't lisp fiends (despite lisp syntax
being my normal modus operandi).

report() is just an example of a report for all components. Below shows
a few different ways of getting at the data (some commented out).

It's certainly easier doing it this way than trying to use the asi functions
or trying to access the psf data directly.



; run the simulation
design("mylib" "level2" "schematic")
modelFile('("rfModels.scs" ""))
analysis('dc ?saveOppoint t)

; now start getting the results for this level
; record the available outputs at this level of
; hierarchy for convenience
thisLevel=makeTable('local nil)
foreach(output outputs()
when(substring(output 1 hierPathLen)==hierPath
) ; when
) ; foreach
; now find the components to get the op point data for
if(geGetSelSet() then
foreach(inst geGetSelSet()
when(thisLevel[outputName=strcat(hierPath "/" inst~>name)]
toReport=cons(outputName toReport)
) ; when
) ; foreach
) ; if
; and then report the oppoint data for these devices
foreach(output sort(toReport 'alphalessp)
printf("Info for %s:\n" output)
;; dumb print
; ocnPrint(pv(output "??"))
;; if we know what type it is, could use something
;; like
; foreach(paramName outputParams("bsim3v3")
; printf("%s = %L\n" paramName pv(output paramName))
; ) ; foreach
;; final method is to get all the parameter values
;; as a waveform by using "??" argument to pv.
paramInfo=pv(output "??")
for(i 0 sub1(drVectorLength(x))
printf("%s = %g\n" drGetElem(paramNameVec i) drGetElem(paramValVec i))
) ; for
) ; foreach

On 2 Oct 2003 06:31:01 -0700, wrote:

Andrew Beckett <> wrote in message news:<>...
Use OCEAN, not these functions.

Read the OCEAN manual, it is designed to do these kind of things.
The asi interface is mainly for people integrating simulators into ADE.
It avoids having to do all this low level stuff - and hey, it's intended
to be easy to use for non-programmers!

OCEAN is very much tuned towards line printers, I find, when I try to
use the report() function to get the OpBegin values from a spectreS
session. the lines are nicely broken on 132 columns and folded so that
it is not so easy to read it into excel.

I tried to manipulate the line length with the setup() command, but no

What I am targeting at with my efforts is a routine that works as
In schematic at any level I select none, one or more elements. If none
are selected, then all are scanned, else only the selected ones.

The routine extracts the full hierarchical path so that I can access
the data from psf. The data to extract is defined in a list in the
script. No need for a user interface.

This can't be that difficult. I have with my basic programming
knowledge been able to do that in Tcl on another program, so why does
it have to be so difficult in Cadence?
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd

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