The Master
On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:
nodeplot program that saves each net as a different view name. The format
to open a layout view is:
dbOpenCellViewByType( libraryname cellname viewname "maskLayout" "?" )
The ? would change how you want to open it... Since you want to run a DRC
run, you would want to open it in I *BELIEVE* "a" for append. Opening in
"w" will over write the data, and "r" is only to read. I *THINK* it's "a"
to modify, but I'm not sure...
You can try looking at the dbOpenCellViewByType command. I created aI want to start drc,lvs and rcx runs on the cells in a hierarchy and I
would like to know the available cellViews for each cell. I know this
is strictly not nescessary as I can code the viewnames "schematic" and
"layout" into my script. But I was curious if the cellViews are
available somewhere in the cv datastruct as composer present a menu of
available cellviews when I want to dive into the hierarchy.
nodeplot program that saves each net as a different view name. The format
to open a layout view is:
dbOpenCellViewByType( libraryname cellname viewname "maskLayout" "?" )
The ? would change how you want to open it... Since you want to run a DRC
run, you would want to open it in I *BELIEVE* "a" for append. Opening in
"w" will over write the data, and "r" is only to read. I *THINK* it's "a"
to modify, but I'm not sure...