SKILL help for device instantiation in Schematic and layout


Reotaro Hashemoto

Hi all,

I need to do the following using SKILL only without opening the
composer itself:

- Open new schematic cell
- Instantiate certain transistor from known library (e.g. cellview:
nmos22 and library: rfmos)
- Change "w" and "l" of that device to the minimum allowed value
(whatever is it)
- Export (write) the SPICE netlist corresponding to this schematic
- Save the schematic file and close

- Open a new layout cell
- Instantiate the same transistor PCell from the same library (but
layout view now)
- Change "w" and "l" to be the same as the schematic
- Export this layout as a GDSII file and save to particular location
- Save layout and close

Would you kindly help me to do that? What are the manual(s) that I
should go to, to do similar stuff?

Thanks and best regards,
On Jun 19, 8:15 pm, Reotaro Hashemoto <>
Hi all,

I need to do the following using SKILL only without opening the
composer itself:

- Open new schematic cell
- Instantiate certain transistor from known library (e.g. cellview:
nmos22 and library: rfmos)
- Change "w" and "l" of that device to the minimum allowed value
(whatever is it)
- Export (write) the SPICE netlist corresponding to this schematic
- Save the schematic file and close

- Open a new layout cell
- Instantiate the same transistor PCell from the same library (but
layout view now)
- Change "w" and "l" to be the same as the schematic
- Export this layout as a GDSII file and save to particular location
- Save layout and close

Would you kindly help me to do that? What are the manual(s) that I
should go to, to do similar stuff?

Thanks and best regards,
to open a new cell you can use:

IO= dbOpenCellViewByType(bib cel "layout" "maskLayout" "w") (for
IO= dbOpenCellViewByType(bibli cellName "schematic" "schematic" "w")
(for schematic)

to Instantiate a transistor from known library (e.g. cellview:nmos22
and library: rfmos) you can use:
II= dbOpenCellViewByType("rfmos" "nmos22" "layout" "maskLayout" "r")
Inst=dbCreateInst(IO II "" '(0 0) "0" 1)

II= dbOpenCellViewByType("rfmos" "nmos22" "symbol" "schematicSymbol"
Inst=dbCreateInst(IO II "" '(0 0) "0" 1)

to save and close:
Thank you,

And how can I change parameters of the instances, i.e. CDF and PCell
parameters like w, l, number of fingers and so forth?

Also, how can I export the spice netlist from schematic and gds from
layout using SKILL too?

Thanks and regards,

On Jun 20, 4:31 pm, manell15 <> wrote:
On Jun 19, 8:15 pm, Reotaro Hashemoto <

Hi all,

I need to do the following using SKILL only without opening the
composer itself:

- Open new schematic cell
- Instantiate certain transistor from known library (e.g. cellview:
nmos22 and library: rfmos)
- Change "w" and "l" of that device to the minimum allowed value
(whatever is it)
- Export (write) the SPICE netlist corresponding to this schematic
- Save the schematic file and close

- Open a new layout cell
- Instantiate the same transistor PCell from the same library (but
layout view now)
- Change "w" and "l" to be the same as the schematic
- Export this layout as a GDSII file and save to particular location
- Save layout and close

Would you kindly help me to do that? What are the manual(s) that I
should go to, to do similar stuff?

Thanks and best regards,

to open a new cell you can use:

IO= dbOpenCellViewByType(bib cel "layout" "maskLayout" "w") (for
IO= dbOpenCellViewByType(bibli cellName "schematic" "schematic" "w")
(for schematic)

to Instantiate a transistor from known library (e.g. cellview:nmos22
and library: rfmos) you can use:
II= dbOpenCellViewByType("rfmos" "nmos22" "layout" "maskLayout" "r")
Inst=dbCreateInst(IO II "" '(0 0) "0" 1)

II= dbOpenCellViewByType("rfmos" "nmos22" "symbol" "schematicSymbol"
Inst=dbCreateInst(IO II "" '(0 0) "0" 1)

to save and close:
Hi Ahmad,

To modify the W/L, please report to one of the post I've discussed

There is no built-in skill function to export a GDS as far as I know.
The GDS export is made by an external program called PIPO in IC5141
(IC6 comes with XStream but I have no experience with it). So you need
to call PIPO from your skill program using ipcBeginProcess. You need
to define a template for it as well. To find more information about
PIPO, please report to the CDS Design Data Translator’s Reference
manual for more information. ($CDSHOME/doc/transref.pdf)

For creating netlist, you may be interested in the function
createNetlist(). Please give a look at the Ocean Ref Manual for more

Hope this help you !


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