SKILL for schematic hierarchy tree


Bernd Fischer


I have in mind that I saw any time a posting with
a SKILL script for a hierarchy tree, for schematics.
It was similar to the 'Design -> Hierarchy -> Tree ...'
command in the Virtuoso Layout editor.
Unfortunately I didn't copy the script at that day.

Did someone have that script or could name me a reference
where to get it.

Thanks Bernd
From Virtuoso Schematic Composer SKILL Functions Reference doc,

=> l_cvList/nil


Bernd Fischer <> wrote in message news:<>...

I have in mind that I saw any time a posting with
a SKILL script for a hierarchy tree, for schematics.
It was similar to the 'Design -> Hierarchy -> Tree ...'
command in the Virtuoso Layout editor.
Unfortunately I didn't copy the script at that day.

Did someone have that script or could name me a reference
where to get it.

Thanks Bernd

(procedure (abCompareCellName inst1 inst2)
(let (result)
(forall property '(libName cellName viewName)
(equal (setq result (strcmp (dbGet inst1 property) (dbGet inst2 property))) 0))
(lessp result 0)))
This is a funny way of using a side effect of forall. Seems to me that
optimisation and precedence rules ensure that the viewName comparison
will not happen unless lib and cell names are already identical. But is
it always so ? I remember for instance that there was an option in the
turbo-pascal compiler to turn off boolean eval optimisation, so that the
executable would always evaluate all arguments of boolean operators. Is
there no risk that the skill interpreter can be "tweaked" to evaluate
all predicates in a forall ?
Probably not. Anyway... nice code. It left me puzzled for a while.
It's maybe worth mentioning it in a skill manual.

Yes, it's intentional.

It's not a side effect of forall - forall is supposed to iterate over the list
until the statement in the body becomes non-nil. It's a way of giving
up part way through a list (you can use (exists) for doing this kind of thing

You're probably thinking of expression short-circuiting - like being
able to do things like:

b!=0 && 1/b

you can guarantee that 1/b won't get evaluated unless b is non-zero. There's
not a switch in SKILL to turn that optimisation off.



On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 17:06:02 +0100, fogh
<> wrote:


(procedure (abCompareCellName inst1 inst2)
(let (result)
(forall property '(libName cellName viewName)
(equal (setq result (strcmp (dbGet inst1 property) (dbGet inst2 property))) 0))
(lessp result 0)))

This is a funny way of using a side effect of forall. Seems to me that
optimisation and precedence rules ensure that the viewName comparison
will not happen unless lib and cell names are already identical. But is
it always so ? I remember for instance that there was an option in the
turbo-pascal compiler to turn off boolean eval optimisation, so that the
executable would always evaluate all arguments of boolean operators. Is
there no risk that the skill interpreter can be "tweaked" to evaluate
all predicates in a forall ?
Probably not. Anyway... nice code. It left me puzzled for a while.
It's maybe worth mentioning it in a skill manual.
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd
Hi Bernd,

Don't think I've posted this before. It doesn't handle config views, it's just a simple
view switching approach. There's a PCR asking for this functionality as part of
the tools, PCR 213600. Hopefully one day it will get integrated.


Author A.D.Beckett
Group Structured Custom, Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
Machine SUN
Date Oct 30, 1995

Function to perform the equivalent of the "tree" function
for schematics

There are two entry points in this file:

(abSchTree [optional key arguments])
Low level entry point - no form. Just uses arguments to define how and
where the tree gets created

Form interface to abSchTree.


SCCS Info: @(#) 08/07/01.15:31:07 1.1


* *
* (abCompareCellName inst1 inst2) *
* *
* Comparison function when sorting the instHeaders *
* *

(procedure (abCompareCellName inst1 inst2)
(let (result)
(forall property '(libName cellName viewName)
(equal (setq result (strcmp (dbGet inst1 property) (dbGet inst2 property))) 0))
(lessp result 0)))

* *
* (abSchTree @key (cellView (geGetEditCellView)) *
* (viewList "schematic cmos.sch symbol") *
* (stopList "symbol") *
* (port poport) *
* (displayPins nil) *
* (indent 0)) *
* *
* Recursive function to output a "tree" like display from the specified *
* cellView downwards using the specified view and stop lists. The pins *
* can be displayed as well if desired. The indent is for internal use *
* only and controls the indent level that this cellView's instances *
* are printed at. *
* *

(procedure (abSchTree @key (cellView (geGetEditCellView))
(viewList "schematic cmos.sch symbol")
(stopList "symbol")
(port poport)
(displayPins nil)
(indent 0))
(let (sortedHeaders formatString count stopAtList)
(setq stopAtList (parseString stopList))
(setq sortedHeaders (sort (dbGetq cellView instHeaders) 'abCompareCellName))
(foreach header sortedHeaders
/* count the number of instances */
(setq count (length
(if displayPins
/* if we're displaying pins, count them all regardless */
(dbGetq header instances)
/* otherwise only count those without purpose pin */
(setof inst
(dbGetq header instances)
(nequal (dbGetq inst purpose) "pin")))))
/* when there was at least one (so that pins can be filtered out) */
(when (greaterp count 0)
(sprintf formatString "%%%ds %%s %%s %%s (%%d)\n" indent)
(fprintf port formatString ""
(dbGetq header libName)
(dbGetq header cellName)
(dbGetq header viewName)
/* switch views */
(setq switchedView (dbGetAnyInstSwitchMaster
(car (dbGetq header instances))
(when switchedView
(unless (member (dbGetq switchedView viewName) stopAtList)
(abSchTree ?cellView switchedView
?viewList viewList
?stopList stopList
?port port
?displayPins displayPins
?indent (plus indent 2)))
/* I did try closing the switched cell, but it
didn't work properly. Have to live with this, I suppose! */

* *
* (abCreateHiSchTreeForm) *
* *
* Create the form for the schematic tree function *
* *

(procedure (abCreateHiSchTreeForm)
(let (topOrCurrent viewList stopList displayPins)
(setq topOrCurrent
?name 'topOrCurrent
?prompt "Starting cell"
?choices '("current" "top")))
(setq viewList
?name 'viewList
?prompt "View list"
?value "schematic cmos.sch symbol"))
(setq stopList
?name 'stopList
?prompt "Stop list"
?value "symbol"))
(setq displayPins
?name 'displayPins
?buttonText "Display pins"
?value nil))
(setq abHiSchTreeForm
?name 'abHiSchTreeForm
?formTitle "Schematic Tree"
?callback 'abHiSchTreeCB
?fields (list
topOrCurrent viewList stopList displayPins)))

* *
* (abHiSchTreeCB form) *
* *
* Callback for the schematic tree form. *
* Opens the file, outputs the header information and *
* then calls abSchTree to recursively descend down the *
* hierarchy. *
* Then the output file is viewed and deleted. *
* *

(procedure (abHiSchTreeCB form)
(let (cellView port fileName)
(setq cellView
(if (equal (getq (getq form topOrCurrent) value) "top")
(geGetTopLevelCellView (getq form treeWindow))
(geGetEditCellView (getq form treeWindow))))
(if cellView
(setq oport (outfile (setq fileName (makeTempFileName "/tmp/schTree"))))
(if oport
(fprintf oport "%40s\n","Design Hierarchy")
(fprintf oport "*******************************************************\n")
(fprintf oport "Library : %s\n" (dbGetq cellView libName))
(fprintf oport "Cell : %s\n" (dbGetq cellView cellName))
(fprintf oport "View : %s\n" (dbGetq cellView viewName))
(fprintf oport "Option : %s to bottom\n" (getq (getq form topOrCurrent) value))
(fprintf oport "*******************************************************\n\n")
(abSchTree ?cellView cellView
?viewList (getq (getq form viewList) value)
?stopList (getq (getq form stopList) value)
?displayPins (getq (getq form displayPins) value)
?port oport
(close oport)
(view fileName nil "Tree")
(deleteFile fileName)
(error "Couldn't open output file"))
(error "Couldn't find cellView"))

* *
* (abHiSchTree) *
* *
* Display a form controlling the tree generation *
* *

(procedure (abHiSchTree)
/* create the form if it doesn't exist */
(unless (and (boundp 'abHiSchTreeForm) abHiSchTreeForm)
/* store the window on the form so that it will always use the window
that was current when the command was invoked */
(putpropq abHiSchTreeForm (hiGetCurrentWindow) treeWindow)
(hiDisplayForm abHiSchTreeForm))

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 12:14:18 +0200, Bernd Fischer <> wrote:


I have in mind that I saw any time a posting with
a SKILL script for a hierarchy tree, for schematics.
It was similar to the 'Design -> Hierarchy -> Tree ...'
command in the Virtuoso Layout editor.
Unfortunately I didn't copy the script at that day.

Did someone have that script or could name me a reference
where to get it.

Thanks Bernd
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd
2003년 10월 20일 월요일 오후 7시 22분 49초 UTC+9, Bernd Fischer 님의 말:

I have in mind that I saw any time a posting with
a SKILL script for a hierarchy tree, for schematics.
It was similar to the 'Design -> Hierarchy -> Tree ...'
command in the Virtuoso Layout editor.
Unfortunately I didn't copy the script at that day.

Did someone have that script or could name me a reference
where to get it.

Thanks Bernd
On 05/26/14 08:05, 문용래 wrote:
2003년 10월 20일 월요일 오후 7시 22분 49초 UTC+9, Bernd Fischer 님의 말:

I have in mind that I saw any time a posting with
a SKILL script for a hierarchy tree, for schematics.
It was similar to the 'Design -> Hierarchy -> Tree ...'
command in the Virtuoso Layout editor.
Unfortunately I didn't copy the script at that day.

Did someone have that script or could name me a reference
where to get it.

Thanks Bernd

Not sure what this was asking, since Bernd posted this a very long time
ago. It's now a standard feature of Virtuoso Schematic Editor (in IC61X

I'm sure you can find if you google for it though.


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