Skill : Create a zoom function


I use Cadence Virtuoso for my layouts and Calibre (command line) for
my verifications.

I would like a function which will zoom for me on my layout after i
entered (x,y) (these x,y will be errors locations from Calibre errors

How can i do ? I'm a dummy in skill programming, but if you have any
idea ...

Thanks for your help !

Do you have the possibility to use the Calibre interactive (RVE)
interface in Virtuoso?
It supports zoom in on location, devices, nodes, and error locations.
But I also use
zoom functions. Here is what I collected. The wrWindowName function is
out because it is a local function I use. I have not checked this code
because it is part of one big file but I guess that it might help you

Greetings, William.

procedure( wrLayoutZoomIn( value)

let( ( x y x1 y1 x2 y2 xD yD xMid yMid wrBB wrBBNew wrPointOrg)

wrBB = wrGetBBView( )
x1 = xCoord( cadr( wrBB))
y1 = yCoord( cadr( wrBB))
x2 = xCoord( car( wrBB))
y2 = yCoord( car( wrBB))
xD = value * ( x2 - x1) / 2
yD = value * ( y2 - y1) / 2
wrPointMid = geWindowToEditPoint( wrWindow list( ( x2 + x1) / 2
( y2 + y1) / 2))
xMid = xCoord( wrPointMid)
yMid = yCoord( wrPointMid)
wrPointOrg = geWindowToEditPoint( wrWindow hiGetPoint( wrWindow))
xOrg = xCoord( wrPointOrg)
yOrg = yCoord( wrPointOrg)
x = xOrg + value * ( xMid - xOrg)
y = yOrg + value * ( yMid - yOrg)
wrBBNew = list(
geEditToWindowPoint( wrWindow list( (x - xD) (y - yD)))
geEditToWindowPoint( wrWindow list( (x + xD) (y + yD))))

;; wrWindowName( strcat( wrWriteModeTxt wrDecodeBindKeysText ":
Zoom to " pcExprToString( x) ", " pcExprToString( y)))
hiZoomIn( wrWindow wrBBNew)

procedure( wrLayoutZoomLimit( )

wrBB = hiGetViewBBox( wrWindow)
x = ( xCoord( cadr( wrBB)) + xCoord( car( wrBB))) / 2
y = ( yCoord( cadr( wrBB)) + yCoord( car( wrBB))) / 2
xD = 1.5
yD = 1.5
wrBBNew = list( list( (x - xD) (y - yD)) list( (x + xD) (y + yD)))
hiZoomIn( wrWindow wrBBNew)
;; wrWindowName( strcat( wrWriteModeTxt wrDecodeBindKeysText ": Zoom

To get a form in which you can enter the x and y points I use:

procedure( wrZoomXYInput( )

unless( boundp( 'wrXNumber)
wrXNumber = 0
wrYNumber = 0
wrEnterNameWithForm( "Enter point" "X coordinate [, ] [Y
rexCompile( "-*[0-9]*.[0-9]*")
rexExecute( wrName)
wrXNumber = evalstring( rexSubstitute( "\\0"))
if( ! floatp( wrXNumber)
rexCompile( "-*[0-9]*")
rexExecute( wrName)
wrXNumber = evalstring( rexSubstitute( "\\0"))
rexCompile( "[, ]")
if( rexExecute( wrName)
rexCompile( "-*[0-9]*.[0-9]*$")
rexExecute( wrName)
wrYNumber = evalstring( rexSubstitute( "\\0"))
if( ! floatp( wrYNumber)
rexCompile( "-*[0-9]*$")
rexExecute( wrName)
wrYNumber = evalstring( rexSubstitute( "\\0"))
if( wrYNumber == 0
wrWindowName( strcat( wrWriteModeTxt wrDecodeBindKeysText ": Enter
Y coordinate" ))
wrEnterNumberWithForm( "Enter Y coordinate" "Y coordinate")
wrYNumber = wrNumber
if( wrXNumber >= 6000 || wrYNumber >= 6000
wrXNumber = wrXNumber/1000.0
wrYNumber = wrYNumber/1000.0
wrZoomXY( list( wrXNumber wrYNumber))
wrXNumber = 0
wrYNumber = 0

This function uses another function to create a form:

procedure( wrEnterNameWithForm( titletext prompttext)

unless( boundp( 'wrName)
wrName = ""

;; unless( boundp( 'wrGetNameForm)
;; 060818 dont know how to update prompt field, so create form from
scratch each time.

wrGetNameField = hiCreateStringField(
?name 'wrName
?value wrName
?prompt prompttext
?defValue wrName
?editable t

;; define the form around the button
wrGetNameForm = hiCreateAppForm(
?name 'wrGetNameForm
?formTitle titletext
?fields list( wrGetNameField)
?buttonLayout 'OKCancelDefApply
?initialSize t
?callback "wrGetNameCB( )"
?unmapAfterCB t
) ;; form
;; ) ;; unless
;; wrGetNameField->prompt=wrText
hiDisplayForm( wrGetNameForm)

I'm using bindkeys to move and zoom in and out with the mouse:
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "<Btn4Down>" "geScroll(nil \"n\" nil)")
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "<Btn5Down>" "geScroll(nil \"s\" nil)")
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Shift <Btn4Down>" "geScroll(nil \"w\"
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Shift <Btn5Down>" "geScroll(nil \"e\"
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Ctrl <Btn4Down>" "wrLayoutZoomIn( 2)")
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Ctrl <Btn5Down>" "wrLayoutZoomIn( 0.5)")

And I like this in the schematic view too:
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "<Btn4Down>" "geScroll(nil \"n\" nil)")
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "<Btn5Down>" "geScroll(nil \"s\" nil)")
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "Shift <Btn4Down>" "geScroll(nil \"w\"
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "Shift <Btn5Down>" "geScroll(nil \"e\"
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "Ctrl
<Btn4Down>" "hiZoomOutAtMouse(getCurrentWindow( )")
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "Ctrl
<Btn5Down>" "hiZoomInAtMouse(getCurrentWindow( )")

On Dec 14, 2:45 am, wrote:

I use Cadence Virtuoso for my layouts and Calibre (command line) for
my verifications.

I would like a function which will zoom for me on my layout after i
entered (x,y) (these x,y will be errors locations from Calibre errors

Welcome to

