SKILL code to get mapped net name

I have a question for skill coding, hope my formal colleagues can help
me out here.

I want to print out the artist simulation data from all pins of a cell
to a file. Let's the say the cell has a pin "clk", in the testbench, it
may be called "clk100". I can manually change the singal name, but
there are 200 of them.

Can I use skill to go through the pins of this cell, find all
corresponding net name in the sim database.

it shouldn't be very difficult, but it's not very clear to me what you
want to do. if I understand it, you have a testbench with many instances
of the same cell, whose pins are connected to nets with the same name,
followed by a number (clk1-clk200 f.e.). you want to print out the
(what? dc operating point ?) for each of these nets.

if you know for sure that the pins are clk1-clk200 for ex. and you want
to print them all you do

netnum = 1
netname = "clk"
while( netnum<=200
/* make up net name */
net = sprintf( "%s%d" netname netnum )
/* retrieve data, i'm assuming you want operating point */
voltage = getData( netname ?result 'dcOp )
/* print out */
fprintf(file "%L\t%L" netname voltage)
netnum = netnum + 1
) ; netnum

however if you assume your pins are connected to random net names, and
you still want to print them all you can go through the testbench
schematic, locate all instances, find out which net the pins are
connected to and print them
(i'm assuming there are no iterated instances, it would require a
specific treatment )

sch = dbOpenCellViewByType( "myLib" "testbench" "schematic" nil "r" )

/* search the instances */
instances = setof( x sch~>instances x~>cellName=="myCell" )

/* traverse the list of instances */
foreach( inst instances

/* print inst name */
fprintf(file "instance %s\n" inst~>name)

/* traverse all the pin connections */
foreach( term inst~>instTerms
net = term~>net~>name
fprintf(file "pin=%L net=%L v=%L\n\n" term~>name net getData( net
?result 'dcOp ))
) ; foreach
) ; foreach


hope this helps,
stéphane wrote:
I have a question for skill coding, hope my formal colleagues can help
me out here.

I want to print out the artist simulation data from all pins of a cell
to a file. Let's the say the cell has a pin "clk", in the testbench, it
may be called "clk100". I can manually change the singal name, but
there are 200 of them.

Can I use skill to go through the pins of this cell, find all
corresponding net name in the sim database.


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