Simulation problem in VHDL Simili from Symphony EDA package.



How do I simulate CLOCK signal?

I'm previous user of ActiveHDL where I could simply choose "stimulators" -
clk, hotkey, forse '0', '1',...

I can't find anything like this in VHDL Simili's Sonata simulator.

Do I have to write a code for CLK signal? I read the official docs, but
couldn't find any information about this,...

Your best bet will be to write one line code inside your "testbench"

signal clock : std_logic := '0';
clock <= not clock after 10 ns;

Ajeetha, CVC

Daniel wrote:
How do I simulate CLOCK signal?

I'm previous user of ActiveHDL where I could simply choose "stimulators" -
clk, hotkey, forse '0', '1',...

I can't find anything like this in VHDL Simili's Sonata simulator.

Do I have to write a code for CLK signal? I read the official docs, but
couldn't find any information about this,...

You've just hit upon the main reason not to use such simulator commands
for stimulus: they're not portable between different simulators!

Better to stimulte from a vhdl testbench wrapper around your
unit-under-test, with a signal assignment such as:

signal clk : std_logic := '1'; -- init val is ok for sim!
signal stop : boolean := false;
constant clk_prd : time : 10 ns; -- change as requiresd
constant sim_time : time := 100 * clk_prd; -- change as required
clk <= not clk after clk_prd / 2 when not stop;

stop <= true after sim_time; -- stop clock

This will work from any vhdl simulator.


Daniel wrote:
How do I simulate CLOCK signal?

I'm previous user of ActiveHDL where I could simply choose "stimulators" -
clk, hotkey, forse '0', '1',...

I can't find anything like this in VHDL Simili's Sonata simulator.

Do I have to write a code for CLK signal? I read the official docs, but
couldn't find any information about this,...

I will take you advice and try to write the code this way.


Andy je napisal:
You've just hit upon the main reason not to use such simulator commands
for stimulus: they're not portable between different simulators!

Better to stimulte from a vhdl testbench wrapper around your
unit-under-test, with a signal assignment such as:

signal clk : std_logic := '1'; -- init val is ok for sim!
signal stop : boolean := false;
constant clk_prd : time : 10 ns; -- change as requiresd
constant sim_time : time := 100 * clk_prd; -- change as required
clk <= not clk after clk_prd / 2 when not stop;

stop <= true after sim_time; -- stop clock

This will work from any vhdl simulator.


Daniel wrote:
How do I simulate CLOCK signal?

I'm previous user of ActiveHDL where I could simply choose "stimulators" -
clk, hotkey, forse '0', '1',...

I can't find anything like this in VHDL Simili's Sonata simulator.

Do I have to write a code for CLK signal? I read the official docs, but
couldn't find any information about this,...


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