nisha yadav
How to remove this error?
My cadence current version is IC6.1.6-64b.500.1
Error found by spectre during AHDL read-in.
ERROR (VACOMP-1008): Cannot compile ahdlcmi module library. Check the log file input.ahdlSimDB/621_nisha_memristor_vteam_schematic_veriloga.va.Memristor.ahdlcmi/Linux/../ahdlcmi.out for details. If the compiler ran out of memory, use \'setenv CDS_CMI_COMPLEVEL 0\', and try again. If the reason for the failure was a syntax error, contact your Cadence Customer Support representative with the netlist, log files, behavioral model files, and any other information that can help identify the problem.
ERROR (SFE-91): Error when elaborating the instance Memristor. Simulation should be terminated.
My cadence current version is IC6.1.6-64b.500.1
Error found by spectre during AHDL read-in.
ERROR (VACOMP-1008): Cannot compile ahdlcmi module library. Check the log file input.ahdlSimDB/621_nisha_memristor_vteam_schematic_veriloga.va.Memristor.ahdlcmi/Linux/../ahdlcmi.out for details. If the compiler ran out of memory, use \'setenv CDS_CMI_COMPLEVEL 0\', and try again. If the reason for the failure was a syntax error, contact your Cadence Customer Support representative with the netlist, log files, behavioral model files, and any other information that can help identify the problem.
ERROR (SFE-91): Error when elaborating the instance Memristor. Simulation should be terminated.