Simulating Noise in SC voltage amplifier



Hi all,

I am currently working on a low noise switched capacitor voltage
amplifier. However, I am not quite understand how to simulate the noise
using spectreRF. So I hope I can seek for some advise here.

The schematic of the amplifier is

The voltage amplifier output will be connected to a S/H stage with the
same clock frequency. I have set the Clock freq of the entire circuit
to 2KHz (TCLK=500us). The pulse width of the signal processing phase is
designed to be 200us. So, I want to use spectreRF pnoise analysis to
calculated the integrated noise at 190us (just before the end of signal
processing phase) using timedomain option. Below is the clocking and
analysis statment in my simulation file.

V1 (phi1 0) vsource type=pulse val0=0.0 val1=3.3 period=TCLK \
delay=TCLK*0.1 rise=10n fall=10n width=TCLK*0.4 fundname="CK2"
V2 (phi2 0) vsource type=pulse val0=0.0 val1=3.3 period=TCLK \
delay=TCLK*0.6 rise=10n fall=10n width=TCLK*0.4 fundname="CK3"
V3 (phi3 0) vsource type=pulse val0=0.0 val1=3.3 period=TCLK rise=10n \
fall=10n width=TCLK*0.4 fundname="CK1"

pss pss fund=2K harms=0 errpreset=conservative tstab=0
+ maxacfreq=2.2M annotate=status
pnoise ( vout+ vout- ) pnoise start=0 stop=1k
+ maxsideband=1000 iprobe=V8 refsideband=0
+ numberofpoints=0 noisetimepoints=[0
+ 190e-6] annotate=status

Would anyone give some comments on the whole simulation, I am
frustrated and really don't know I am going on a right way?

Thx in advance

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