simulating 3rd party standard lib cells




I am a newbie to cadence. Well I am actually a designer and didn't
really care that much before how cadence worked - I should have.
Anyway, I need to simulate standard library compnents [artisan] and
can't work out how to link these to the artist simulator. All I know is
that I have cdl netlist for the standard lib and some symbol views. I
guess I need to link the views with correct port mapping info
for the simulator. I have tried converting netlists to spectre,
modifying cdf props etc. but to be honest I don't know what am am
really doing and the cadence doc is not helpful or at least I can't
find anything.

You have to read in the cdl netlist to Cadence DFII
and create a standard cell library for DFII.
You might also do this with the GDSII for layout view.

CIW: "File -> Import -> CDL..."
As reference library you have to use your primitive device library,
you also might use a device mapping scheme.



kev wrote:

I am a newbie to cadence. Well I am actually a designer and didn't
really care that much before how cadence worked - I should have.
Anyway, I need to simulate standard library compnents [artisan] and
can't work out how to link these to the artist simulator. All I know is
that I have cdl netlist for the standard lib and some symbol views. I
guess I need to link the views with correct port mapping info
for the simulator. I have tried converting netlists to spectre,
modifying cdf props etc. but to be honest I don't know what am am
really doing and the cadence doc is not helpful or at least I can't
find anything.


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