Simplest Possible Analog Divider


Bret Cahill

Some circuits use transistors or diodes to take logs, subtract and
then exponentiate to divide two signals.

The simplest mechanical divider that linear at least over a certain
range is a lever were the denominator is the distance the fulcrum is
moved away from where the numerator [force] is applied.

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or

Bret Cahill
On Sun, 4 Oct 2009 17:32:00 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

Some circuits use transistors or diodes to take logs, subtract and
then exponentiate to divide two signals.

The simplest mechanical divider that linear at least over a certain
range is a lever were the denominator is the distance the fulcrum is
moved away from where the numerator [force] is applied.

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or

Bret Cahill
uP with 2-channel ADC, divide firmware, dac.

On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 07:13:11 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

Some circuits use transistors or diodes to take logs, subtract and
then exponentiate to divide two signals.

The simplest mechanical divider that linear at least over a certain
range is a lever were the denominator is the distance the fulcrum is
moved away from where the numerator [force] is applied.

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or

Bret Cahill

uP with 2-channel ADC, divide firmware, dac.

That may be the real world solution but an idealized analogy might be
interesting, maybe a variable capacitor where the distance between
plates increases with the denominator signal.

There's probably a comprehensive list of analogues between every
kinematic mechanism and its corresponding electronic circuit. It
wouldn't be a bad idea to torture some of these as much as possible.

Bret Cahill
A few classic electronic ways to do it are...

Gilbert-cell multiplier in a feedback loop

PWM multiplier in a feedback loop. Slow but very precise

Motor-driven dual 10-turn pot and a few tube opamps, like they used to
do in olden days.

An MDAC can be made to divide, too.

Some circuits use transistors or diodes to take logs, subtract and
then exponentiate to divide two signals.

The simplest mechanical divider that linear at least over a certain
range is a lever were the denominator is the distance the fulcrum is
moved away from where the numerator [force] is applied.

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or

Bret Cahill

uP with 2-channel ADC, divide firmware, dac.
That may be the real world solution but an idealized analogy might be
interesting, maybe a variable capacitor where the distance between
plates increases with the denominator signal.

There's probably a comprehensive list of analogues between every
kinematic mechanism and its corresponding electronic circuit. It
wouldn't be a bad idea to torture some of these as much as possible.

Bret Cahill
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 17:32:00 -0700, Bret Cahill wrote:

Some circuits use transistors or diodes to take logs, subtract and then
exponentiate to divide two signals.

The simplest mechanical divider that linear at least over a certain range
is a lever were the denominator is the distance the fulcrum is moved away
from where the numerator [force] is applied.

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or

Analog multiplier wired as a divider.

Unless you mean a simple voltage divider, two resistors in series.

Hope This Helps!
On Oct 4, 5:32 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or
Well, a noninverting op amp amplifier, with feedback resistor Rf and
(-) to GND
resistor Rs has output

Vo = Vin * Rs/Rf

so division of impedances is a cakewalk. One amplifier, one fixed
voltage source.

Since division blows up at divide-by-zero, only high-gain solutions
apply, I suspect a single op amp is the minimum circuit element that
can provide that.
On Oct 4, 5:32 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:

What's the most primitive / basic circuit that divides 2 impedances or
The normal op amp connected as an inverting amplifier, feedback
resistor Rf (output to (-)) and Rs (input to (-)) with (+) grounded,

Vout = - Vin * Rf/Rs

The solution has to properly blow up with zero in the divisor, so only
a high-gain amplifier can do that; one op amp and two resistors
is the most basic workable scheme. I think.

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