Terry Pinnell
Is there any consensus on the neatest circuit to take a noisy push
button signal and output a clean rectangular pulse?
Searching through my ancient (paper) files I found dozens, but my
scribbled notes on many show that when tested I'd found lots failed,
allowing some noise to reach the output. My starting assumption is a
simple CR filter in front of a Schmitt. But before I head for the shed
and start bread boarding I'd much appreciate any recommendations please.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
button signal and output a clean rectangular pulse?
Searching through my ancient (paper) files I found dozens, but my
scribbled notes on many show that when tested I'd found lots failed,
allowing some noise to reach the output. My starting assumption is a
simple CR filter in front of a Schmitt. But before I head for the shed
and start bread boarding I'd much appreciate any recommendations please.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK