Scott Wiper
I would like to know if this curcuit
will work to the spec I have calculated.
This is a simple pulsing power supply useing
transistors set in darlington pairs with ZENER diodes as a referance voltage
so I can shunt regulate voltage and sustain high currents when in
use with minimal heating of the power transistors. Yes They will be fully
mounted on a 4"* 8" piece of matel for heat sinking.
A Breif expanation:
I will be useng a large step down transformer to reduce mains voltage
to 16.0VAC at 80VA (Watts/5A) But I just got a 25.2VAC at 100VA (Watts/4A).
This marked T1 on my schmatic.
The filter will comprise of a large high current bridge rectifer and a
10,000 uF cap C1 that will charge to 25.2*1.414=35.63VDC or
16.0*1.414=22.62. This will be fed into Q1, Q2 and Q3 (2N3055). At 16.1
referance it should have a emitter voltage of 14.0 volts with no load. D1 is
th part of the curcuit protect Q3 from back voltage of the battery or
batterys. If you use more AH of storage you should get a longer run times on
the 5 volt section. B1's charge is controlled by R4 that useing the spec
float of 13.5 -13.8VDC that is well with the specs of most lead acid
batterys. D8 is to reduce B1 by .6volts so when it becomes fully gharged
it's voltage will always be .6 volts less of the Vout from Q3. D8 will stop
reverse voltage on Q3 as well.
The perpose of C2 and C7,C8 is to smooth out voltage and reduce noise from
the pulsing outputs from Q3 and Q5. The battery or batterys will the 5 volt
part of the supply functioning with the constany frequency that is applied
through U1(NE556) and U2(CD4013). U2 is a garrenteed 50% duty cycle at 1/2
Frequency. The whole idea is to make a simple 5VDC UPS but with the features
of a switching power supply. This one is going to power the swiper7000 light
controller with ADC inputs.
For better viewing and printing. http://www.expresspcb.com
Run you spyware utility because this one is loaded with it.
Question 1.
Will I have to place an inductor on both the 12 and 5 volt outputs as
current tanks? (C1 C7 C8)
Question 2.
If inductors have to be used. Will they have to be placed in series with the
output caps or in parrallel?
My cat Tigger says every morning...
"Before my morning coffee... I might as well be a dog!"
To contact follow the link below.
will work to the spec I have calculated.
This is a simple pulsing power supply useing
transistors set in darlington pairs with ZENER diodes as a referance voltage
so I can shunt regulate voltage and sustain high currents when in
use with minimal heating of the power transistors. Yes They will be fully
mounted on a 4"* 8" piece of matel for heat sinking.
A Breif expanation:
I will be useng a large step down transformer to reduce mains voltage
to 16.0VAC at 80VA (Watts/5A) But I just got a 25.2VAC at 100VA (Watts/4A).
This marked T1 on my schmatic.
The filter will comprise of a large high current bridge rectifer and a
10,000 uF cap C1 that will charge to 25.2*1.414=35.63VDC or
16.0*1.414=22.62. This will be fed into Q1, Q2 and Q3 (2N3055). At 16.1
referance it should have a emitter voltage of 14.0 volts with no load. D1 is
th part of the curcuit protect Q3 from back voltage of the battery or
batterys. If you use more AH of storage you should get a longer run times on
the 5 volt section. B1's charge is controlled by R4 that useing the spec
float of 13.5 -13.8VDC that is well with the specs of most lead acid
batterys. D8 is to reduce B1 by .6volts so when it becomes fully gharged
it's voltage will always be .6 volts less of the Vout from Q3. D8 will stop
reverse voltage on Q3 as well.
The perpose of C2 and C7,C8 is to smooth out voltage and reduce noise from
the pulsing outputs from Q3 and Q5. The battery or batterys will the 5 volt
part of the supply functioning with the constany frequency that is applied
through U1(NE556) and U2(CD4013). U2 is a garrenteed 50% duty cycle at 1/2
Frequency. The whole idea is to make a simple 5VDC UPS but with the features
of a switching power supply. This one is going to power the swiper7000 light
controller with ADC inputs.
For better viewing and printing. http://www.expresspcb.com
Run you spyware utility because this one is loaded with it.
Question 1.
Will I have to place an inductor on both the 12 and 5 volt outputs as
current tanks? (C1 C7 C8)
Question 2.
If inductors have to be used. Will they have to be placed in series with the
output caps or in parrallel?
My cat Tigger says every morning...
"Before my morning coffee... I might as well be a dog!"
To contact follow the link below.