Chet Hosey
I'm trying to construct a virtual earth mixer using an op-amp. In
order to test my understanding of the way op-amps work, I threw
together a quick test circuit on a breadboard. I'm having trouble
getting the circuit response I expect, so hopefully somebody here can
point out the source of my troubles.
It's been a long while since I've dabbled in things electronic, so
I'll try to describe my circuit and expectations as briefly yet
completely as possible.
I'm using a 120 VAC-to-12.6VAC stepdown transformer through a bridge
rectifier. I'm using a 100uF electrolytic capacitor to smooth the
ripples, and using it to feed a TL082 op-amp. I've measured the
difference between positive and negative supply voltages at about
18.5V. Using two 220K resistors to obtain ~9.25V, I set the
non-inverting input to 9.25V and jumpered the non-inverting input to
the positive supply.
As the non-inverting input was at a lower voltage than the inverting
input, I expected the output to swing down to 0V. However, the
measured difference between the op-amp's output and ground was about
18.1V. Thinking that I'd been mistaken in my expectations, I reversed
the jumpers connecting the two inputs and again measured 18.1V between
the op-amp's output and ground.
Without a feedback resistor, shouldn't the output be near the negative
supply voltage when the inverting input is at a lower voltage than the
non-inverting input? I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm at a loss
as to what's wrong.
I've posted a schematic at
http://www.nauticom.net/www/chosey/opamp.gif. My eventual goal is to
make an audio mixer as a gift for a friend, so of course I would be
most appreciative of any input anyone cares to offer.
order to test my understanding of the way op-amps work, I threw
together a quick test circuit on a breadboard. I'm having trouble
getting the circuit response I expect, so hopefully somebody here can
point out the source of my troubles.
It's been a long while since I've dabbled in things electronic, so
I'll try to describe my circuit and expectations as briefly yet
completely as possible.
I'm using a 120 VAC-to-12.6VAC stepdown transformer through a bridge
rectifier. I'm using a 100uF electrolytic capacitor to smooth the
ripples, and using it to feed a TL082 op-amp. I've measured the
difference between positive and negative supply voltages at about
18.5V. Using two 220K resistors to obtain ~9.25V, I set the
non-inverting input to 9.25V and jumpered the non-inverting input to
the positive supply.
As the non-inverting input was at a lower voltage than the inverting
input, I expected the output to swing down to 0V. However, the
measured difference between the op-amp's output and ground was about
18.1V. Thinking that I'd been mistaken in my expectations, I reversed
the jumpers connecting the two inputs and again measured 18.1V between
the op-amp's output and ground.
Without a feedback resistor, shouldn't the output be near the negative
supply voltage when the inverting input is at a lower voltage than the
non-inverting input? I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm at a loss
as to what's wrong.
I've posted a schematic at
http://www.nauticom.net/www/chosey/opamp.gif. My eventual goal is to
make an audio mixer as a gift for a friend, so of course I would be
most appreciative of any input anyone cares to offer.