I am working on a simple multi-channel pulse counter. The pulses counted
are infrequent (up to 100 kHz), and slow (at least 1 us), coming form a
comparator. In total I have 20 parallel channels (identical). Every 0.5
s I read out the counters and reset them to 0 using SPI.
The counter code is simple, contained in a module:
reg [17:0] counter_ripple_high;
always @(posedge slow_gate, posedge reset)
begin : b1
/*synopsys resource r0:
map_to_module = "DW01_inc",
implementation = "csa",
ops = "inc1";*/
if (reset)
counter_ripple_high <= 18'b0;
counter_ripple_high <= counter_ripple_high + 1'b1; // synopsys label inc1
assign counter = counter_ripple_high;
Some channels (not more than 3 out of 20) count two times the input
frequency. How is it possible? One channel is not counting properly at
all. I would expect the latter to be obviously caused by the speed of
arithmetic logic, but the former..?
I am looking forward for your opinions.
I am working on a simple multi-channel pulse counter. The pulses counted
are infrequent (up to 100 kHz), and slow (at least 1 us), coming form a
comparator. In total I have 20 parallel channels (identical). Every 0.5
s I read out the counters and reset them to 0 using SPI.
The counter code is simple, contained in a module:
reg [17:0] counter_ripple_high;
always @(posedge slow_gate, posedge reset)
begin : b1
/*synopsys resource r0:
map_to_module = "DW01_inc",
implementation = "csa",
ops = "inc1";*/
if (reset)
counter_ripple_high <= 18'b0;
counter_ripple_high <= counter_ripple_high + 1'b1; // synopsys label inc1
assign counter = counter_ripple_high;
Some channels (not more than 3 out of 20) count two times the input
frequency. How is it possible? One channel is not counting properly at
all. I would expect the latter to be obviously caused by the speed of
arithmetic logic, but the former..?
I am looking forward for your opinions.