Mike Kennedy
Does anyone know where to get the pinout for this Silicon Image Chip? It is
not on thier web site, it is a controler which was attached to a lcd panel
which i took out of a dead IBM netvista pc. The Inverter board was simple, I
figured it out, now just the hard part of finding the pinout for this chip!
I believe it is compatible with DVI... Pannel Link / DVI Same thing??
Any help would be appreciated.
MikeK400 _at_ earthlink.net
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not on thier web site, it is a controler which was attached to a lcd panel
which i took out of a dead IBM netvista pc. The Inverter board was simple, I
figured it out, now just the hard part of finding the pinout for this chip!
I believe it is compatible with DVI... Pannel Link / DVI Same thing??
Any help would be appreciated.
MikeK400 _at_ earthlink.net
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Version: 6.0.677 / Virus Database: 439 - Release Date: 5/5/04