Phil Allison
** World comes to an end this month .....
The guys at SC magazine have broken one of their longest held vows - never
to publish the design of a valve amplifier.
Worst of all, it is not a hi-fi amp but an SET ( single ended triode)
design, beloved by the miniscule 1930s retro-brigade among "tube heads".
As if to spit in the eye of such Luddite wankers, it sports back to back
wired toroidal transformers in the PSU, 100 volt, PA line transformers for
output, common guitar amp valves wired to work as power triodes and a
*transistor* buffer stage driving the two ( paralleled ) output valves
Good grief !!!
No seriously exotic, obsolete or hand made components to add mystery value
at all !!!
........... Phil
The guys at SC magazine have broken one of their longest held vows - never
to publish the design of a valve amplifier.
Worst of all, it is not a hi-fi amp but an SET ( single ended triode)
design, beloved by the miniscule 1930s retro-brigade among "tube heads".
As if to spit in the eye of such Luddite wankers, it sports back to back
wired toroidal transformers in the PSU, 100 volt, PA line transformers for
output, common guitar amp valves wired to work as power triodes and a
*transistor* buffer stage driving the two ( paralleled ) output valves
Good grief !!!
No seriously exotic, obsolete or hand made components to add mystery value
at all !!!
........... Phil