Kevin Ettery
After sorting through some stuff of mine I've discovered I have two copies
of the November 1994 Edition of Silicon Chip (yes it has been a while since
I really looked in one box). Is anyone interested in buying it - the
contents are as follows:
Highlights : Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock;
80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell Nicad Discharger (See May 1993);
Anti-Lock Braking Systems; How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
Projects: Dry-Cell Battery Rejuvenator
Twin Cell Nicad Discharger
UHF Radio Alarm Pager
Circuit Notebook: 12-24V Circuit Tester For Cars & Trucks
Display Dimmer For LED Clocks
Low Cost Photo Timer
Super Bright LED Brake Light Array
Features : Anti-Lock Braking Systems: How They Work
I am willing to part with it for the cover price of $4.50 +postage (about
$2) - This compares well with the cost of back issues from SC at $8.80, and
the copy I have is in pristine condition.
After sorting through some stuff of mine I've discovered I have two copies
of the November 1994 Edition of Silicon Chip (yes it has been a while since
I really looked in one box). Is anyone interested in buying it - the
contents are as follows:
Highlights : Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock;
80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell Nicad Discharger (See May 1993);
Anti-Lock Braking Systems; How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
Projects: Dry-Cell Battery Rejuvenator
Twin Cell Nicad Discharger
UHF Radio Alarm Pager
Circuit Notebook: 12-24V Circuit Tester For Cars & Trucks
Display Dimmer For LED Clocks
Low Cost Photo Timer
Super Bright LED Brake Light Array
Features : Anti-Lock Braking Systems: How They Work
I am willing to part with it for the cover price of $4.50 +postage (about
$2) - This compares well with the cost of back issues from SC at $8.80, and
the copy I have is in pristine condition.