I have to convert a signed signal to an unsigned one... I tried this code ?
What do you think about ? I just invert the sign bit (bit 13)...
But i forgot a part of resolution...
-- Conversion signed -> unsigned
CONV_US : process (clk_smp,reset)
if reset = '1' then I_filter_14_US <= (others => '0');
Q_filter_14_US <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk_smp'event and clk_smp='1') then
I_filter_14_US(13 downto 13) <= not I_filter_14(13 downto 13);
I_filter_14_US(12 downto 0) <= I_filter_14(12 downto 0);
Q_filter_14_US(13 downto 13) <= not Q_filter_14(13 downto 13);
Q_filter_14_US(12 downto 0) <= Q_filter_14(12 downto 0);
end if;
end process CONV_US;
I have to convert a signed signal to an unsigned one... I tried this code ?
What do you think about ? I just invert the sign bit (bit 13)...
But i forgot a part of resolution...
-- Conversion signed -> unsigned
CONV_US : process (clk_smp,reset)
if reset = '1' then I_filter_14_US <= (others => '0');
Q_filter_14_US <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk_smp'event and clk_smp='1') then
I_filter_14_US(13 downto 13) <= not I_filter_14(13 downto 13);
I_filter_14_US(12 downto 0) <= I_filter_14(12 downto 0);
Q_filter_14_US(13 downto 13) <= not Q_filter_14(13 downto 13);
Q_filter_14_US(12 downto 0) <= Q_filter_14(12 downto 0);
end if;
end process CONV_US;