SignalProbe in Quartus...


Kenneth Land

I'm trying to use SignalProbe to speed up the debugging process.

I've got a number of testpoint pins that I've been assigning and reassigning
signals to in order to see the signals on an external logic analyzer.

This works very well except the 10 min. compile just to change test signals
is getting old. SignalProbe seems to be the solution to my problem but I'm
not able to get it going correctly.

It seems that most of the signals I want to probe are intermediate named
values that connect one block of logic to another. Anyway, these signals
don't appear in the signalprobe node finder.

I can type them into the assignment editor as the SignalProbe source, but
the SignalProbe Compile warns that the Source "Could not be found, or is an
unsupported type"

Does SignalProbe not support internal signals? Do I need to do something to
make a signal a supported type?

The synthesis process often removes internal nodes as the functionality is
analysed and reduced to the FPGA target architecture.

If you arrange your design so that you are only trying to probe register
contents (i.e. the Q's of latches etc), you can prevent the synthesis from
removing these by right clicking the latch and setting the appropriate
option to OFF (can't remember which one, but it's there).

If you can't find it the assignment editor, there is a parameter you can
define for a synbol (megafunction or your own) to prevent register merging.

I've used signal probe quite a lot, it's pretty useful but it does use a lot
of embedded memory if you try to assign plenty of nodes to it. Otherwise,
you'll still need to re-compile to change which signals you're probing

"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message
I'm trying to use SignalProbe to speed up the debugging process.

I've got a number of testpoint pins that I've been assigning and
signals to in order to see the signals on an external logic analyzer.

This works very well except the 10 min. compile just to change test
is getting old. SignalProbe seems to be the solution to my problem but
not able to get it going correctly.

It seems that most of the signals I want to probe are intermediate named
values that connect one block of logic to another. Anyway, these signals
don't appear in the signalprobe node finder.

I can type them into the assignment editor as the SignalProbe source, but
the SignalProbe Compile warns that the Source "Could not be found, or is
unsupported type"

Does SignalProbe not support internal signals? Do I need to do something
make a signal a supported type?

Hi Ken,

To preserve a combinational node through synthesis, place and route, you
should do
one of the following:

a) If it is a BDF (schematic file) or TDF (AHDL file), feed the signal
that you are interested in observing into a LCELL primitive, and give
the LCELL primitive an interesting name, so that you can find it when
you choose the Post Compilation filter in the node finder. You should
feed the output of the LCELL to where the signal wof interes was
previously connected.

b) If you are using VHDL or Verilog, consider using the keep
pragma/keyword. Its usage is described in the online help. Search for
"keep". The Verilog help panel is shown below:

------------------- keep usage in
Verilog -----------------------------------
A Verilog HDL language directive that directs Analysis & Synthesis to
keep a particular wire intact. You can use this language directive to
keep a combinational logic node so you can observe the node during
simulation or with the SignalTapŽ II Logic Analyzer.

You cannot use this language directive for nodes that have no fan-out.

To use the keep language directive, you can specify the keep language
directive in a comment that is on the same line as the register you
want Analysis & Synthesis to preserve. In the comment, precede the
language directive with the synthesis keyword.

For example, in the following code, the comment
/* synthesis preserve */ directs Analysis & Synthesis to not minimize the

wire keep_wire /* synthesis keep */;
You would search for keep_wire in the Node Finder, and you can make
assignments to it.

Additional information for preserving registers can be found in the chapter
on Synthesis (Volume 1, Section 3, Chapter 8) of the Quartus II Handbook.
The URL is provided below:
See Table 1 for details on the synthesis options.

More information on SignalProbe and SignalTap, which are two complementary
debugging technologies can be found in the chapter on On Chip Debugging (
Volume 3, Section 4, Chapters 8 and 9) of the Quartus II Handbook. The URL's
are provided below:
For SignalProbe:
For SignalTap:

If you are using SignalTap do read the piece on Incremental Routing, which
may help reduce some of your compile time. I believe Gary in his reply to
your post was referring to SignalTap not SignalProbe, since its is SignalTap
that uses the RAM blocks in the device.

Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.


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