Think maybe it's been too long since I had to do this sort of thing but I
can't get my head round it. Maybe a bit of basic help will sort me out.
I have a 50 ohm sweeping signal generator and a 50 ohm spectrum analyser.
Set the output of the sig gen to 0 dBm (1mW) and connect it to the spec an.
I get a flat trace at 0dBm on the spec an.
Does this mean that the sig gen internals are producing a fixed 2 mW, half
of which is being dissipated in the 50 internals of the sig gen and half in
the spec an?
If that is the case and a third 50 ohm device is connected in parallel with
the previous arrangement then the spectrum analyser trace will drop. At this
point is the sig gen still producing 2 mW and there will be 1/3 dissipated
by each of the devices or is the output of the sig gen unspecified because
it isn't driving what it was designed to drive.
I want to connect the sig gen / spec an arrangement to an unknown impedance
and use the spec an trace to give me an indication of the unknown impedance.
I crunched the numbers for an equation based on the above but I get no sense
out of it. The problem is, I think, somewhere around whether or not the sig
gen is a current source or voltage source, assuming either doesn't give
sensible results and I reckon the truth is that the sig gen is somewhere in
between maybe being constant power but even when I assume that I don't get
what I think I should.
can't get my head round it. Maybe a bit of basic help will sort me out.
I have a 50 ohm sweeping signal generator and a 50 ohm spectrum analyser.
Set the output of the sig gen to 0 dBm (1mW) and connect it to the spec an.
I get a flat trace at 0dBm on the spec an.
Does this mean that the sig gen internals are producing a fixed 2 mW, half
of which is being dissipated in the 50 internals of the sig gen and half in
the spec an?
If that is the case and a third 50 ohm device is connected in parallel with
the previous arrangement then the spectrum analyser trace will drop. At this
point is the sig gen still producing 2 mW and there will be 1/3 dissipated
by each of the devices or is the output of the sig gen unspecified because
it isn't driving what it was designed to drive.
I want to connect the sig gen / spec an arrangement to an unknown impedance
and use the spec an trace to give me an indication of the unknown impedance.
I crunched the numbers for an equation based on the above but I get no sense
out of it. The problem is, I think, somewhere around whether or not the sig
gen is a current source or voltage source, assuming either doesn't give
sensible results and I reckon the truth is that the sig gen is somewhere in
between maybe being constant power but even when I assume that I don't get
what I think I should.