"signal does not hold its value outside clock edge"


Guilherme Corręa


I'm a begginer in VHDL and I'm with a problem in the compilation of my
These are the errors:

Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[7]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[6]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[5]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[4]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[3]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[2]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[1]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge
Error: VHDL error at mult_seq_mf.vhd(62): can't infer register for
signal "entradaregB[0]" because signal does not hold its value outside
clock edge

All the errors are the same and the part of the description where the
error ocurrs is this:

entradaregB <= multB WHEN (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1' AND start = '1')
else soma(0) & multiplicador(n-1 DOWNTO 1);

If I take off the "clk'EVENT" it works, but I need to have a border
sensitive description.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks! :)

Guilherme Corręa.
Hi Guilherme,

I'm assuming you got this error during synthesis. Because the end
result of your code is a hardware device, the code must be
synthesizable into hardware that exists on the FPGA/CPLD. The code you
have written does not describe a real synchronous element. To make a
register (not sure if this is what you want your code to do, but...):

reg_process: process (clk)
if rising_edge(clk)
if start = '1' then
entradaregB <= multB;
entradaregB <= soma(0) & multiplicador(n-1 DOWNTO 1);
end if;
end if;
end process reg_process;

Registers can only change on a clock edge. Generally the only
asynchronous event that can change a register is a reset. You might
want to think about taking some training on FPGAs and VHDL. As a
beginner, if you don't have a good understanding of both the coding
methods to describe hardware and the hardware your code is configuring,
you will run into a lot of problems.

Good luck!
Ok, thank you.

The register is working now, but the result of all the description
isn't ok yet.
It's a description of a multiplier and the result of the multiplication
is wrong. I'll continue trying.

Thank you.
Ok, thank you.

The register is working now, but the result of all the description
isn't ok yet.
It's a description of a multiplier and the result of the multiplication
is wrong. I'll continue trying.

Thank you.
Ok, thank you.

The register is working now, but the result of all the description
isn't ok yet.
It's a description of a multiplier and the result of the multiplication
is wrong. I'll continue trying.

Thank you.
Ok, thank you.

The register is working now, but the result of all the description
isn't ok yet.
It's a description of a multiplier and the result of the multiplication
is wrong. I'll continue trying.

Thank you.

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