signal and capacitor



Hello All

I wish to know what will happen for the case of 1)DC and 2)AC input
power or signal to the capacitor in a circuit.
I heard that capcitor can act as a short or open circuit depending on
DC or AC(in high or low frequency input power signal or signal itself).

Can anyone help to explains this clearer in the point of view from
physics and electronics?

Kindly share
Thank you

rgds and thanks
DC - capacitor block current - infinite resistance
AC - passes thru cap... if w= 0 zero resistance

Vibhash Chandra Jha

jason wrote:
Hello All

I wish to know what will happen for the case of 1)DC and 2)AC input
power or signal to the capacitor in a circuit.
I heard that capcitor can act as a short or open circuit depending on
DC or AC(in high or low frequency input power signal or signal

Can anyone help to explains this clearer in the point of view from
physics and electronics?

Kindly share
Thank you

rgds and thanks
jason wrote:
Hello All

I wish to know what will happen for the case of 1)DC and 2)AC input
power or signal to the capacitor in a circuit.
I heard that capcitor can act as a short or open circuit depending on
DC or AC(in high or low frequency input power signal or signal itself).

Can anyone help to explains this clearer in the point of view from
physics and electronics?
The relationship between current through a capacitor and the voltage
across it is:

I=C*(dv/dt), where I is current in amperes, C is capacitance in
farads, and dv/dt is time rate of change of voltage in volts per

Since pure DC has zero volts pure second rate of change, the current
is zero. For any other waveform from pulses to sinusoids, there are
various rates of voltage change at different times, so different
instantaneous currents at different times.

John Popelish
Thank you All

The explanations are great.
I simply amazed with so much of great answer and help from many people
Thank you so much for who ever written up there to help me
thank you


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